Title says it all, I don't want to have to map every place in Tyria/Cantha with everyone of my characters.
Say I have one character with 100%. I start another one, come out of pre-sear, press M and I got a full map with only Ascalon City as a travel icon.
I see no reason not to implement this, I mean, if something like rank/fame got account wide status, why not your maps?
I'm sure all of us (striving for 100% / that have 100%) would love this.
Make Map Exploration Progress Account-Wide!
Legendary Necromancer
Because the title is just that - it is earned by each character, which is what makes it impressive. Making it account wide simply cheapens the title.
Not signed, I don't see why my mesmer should get the title when my wammo runs through all the areas without fighting anybody.
If you want a title, earn it. Being lazy will get you nowhere.
Rank title is wide because it take a more time than cartographic titles. The rank title is for pvp and cartograhpic ones are for pve, dont remove the fun of pve's titles.
I'm with the others on this one. If any title should be character-based, it is the cartographer title.
Incidentally, I still don't quite understand why faction is account-based.
Incidentally, I still don't quite understand why faction is account-based.
/signed, by someone who has earned both Grandmaster Cartographer titles.
For the last time, making a title account based does not make it easier to get. You still have to take a character to each little corner of the world to get it. Making it account based lets all your characters use a map that you've worked hard to unlock (and I use mine quite frequently). In addition, titles should show achievements made by the player, not the character.
/signed again.
For the last time, making a title account based does not make it easier to get. You still have to take a character to each little corner of the world to get it. Making it account based lets all your characters use a map that you've worked hard to unlock (and I use mine quite frequently). In addition, titles should show achievements made by the player, not the character.
/signed again.
this shouldn't even be a thread /notsigned