Laptop Upgrade
So Im playin guild wars on my gateway MX3230 and the load times are LLLLOOOONNNNGGG and the game is laggy. I can take on about 2 enemies no problem but more major laq. im connected directly to my router so i dont think its my ISP. So i was wonderin in upgradin my RAM from 256 to 1 gig will that help? OR is ther other ways?
come on help me out
please help me out!!!!!!!!!!!
What are the full system specifics of the laptop? Changing from 256 to 2 x 512MB sticks would give you a noticeable performance boost though, and thats what I would lean towards. Hell Windows can use in excess of 200Mb on its own.
Dark Dragon
depends on you proccessor speed/ram ratio
if its about about 1GHz the yes upgrade your ram
if its less than lets say 300Hz then its your proccessor thats your bottleneck and therefor get a new computer/laptop
most of the time it is your RAM than affects performance due to the fact as Proccessors increased in speed, RAM had a very small increase in speed therefore causeing a huge bottleneck in computer speed
if its about about 1GHz the yes upgrade your ram
if its less than lets say 300Hz then its your proccessor thats your bottleneck and therefor get a new computer/laptop

most of the time it is your RAM than affects performance due to the fact as Proccessors increased in speed, RAM had a very small increase in speed therefore causeing a huge bottleneck in computer speed
if in fact it is a processor issuse, then there's nothing you can do for your laptop. Upgrading Components for laptops is VERY complicated and its almost never worth the effort.
i have 1.5 ghz proccesor(celeron), so two 512s would be good? I have a SO-So vcard, nothin special but it seems like the RAM is moreimportant and easier to upgrade
Well RAM is pretty much only internal part that can be changed/added, processor and vidcard are more or less integrated directly onto the motherboard on the laptops.
But yeah, 1024Mb is pretty much the minimum amount of memory to have these days.
But yeah, 1024Mb is pretty much the minimum amount of memory to have these days.
Helll is for Heroes
you might as well buy a new laptop, everything you have is outdated and adding new stuff will only bottleneck the new stuff.