7 Steps to The Ultimate Armor!!!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

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LOL. This is a brother question to my other post, but a little more intricate.

1) Is Droknar armor better or equal to the armor you can get in Cantha? Stats wise that is.

2) Is there any type of armor that you can get (once again based on stats) from Cantha or Tyria that you can't get from the other region? Not talking skins here.

3) Is it still true that you can piecemeal any of the various different armor types into one suit. For example boots that give +5 defense and gloves that give -3 damage absorbtion. I read on here that you can, but my wife tells me that she read that you couldn't with one chapter, though she can't remember which one. Seeing as I have tested out using different types of armor for my assassin in Cantha it would have to be Tyrian armor if it is true. So is it true or can you indeed mix different types of amror and they still work in Tyria?

4) Can you mix Tyrian and Canthan armor and they still work?

5) This is the mix I have used for my Assassin:

Chest = Nightstalker - Armor +15 (while attacking)
Gloves= Infiltrators - Reduces Poision Duration by 20%
Leggings=Nightstalker - Armor +15 (while attacking)
Boots = Valkyries - Health +5

My logic is Nightstalker on Chest and Leggings because those areas get hit most out of the 4.

Infiltrator on gloves as -Poison is good and you can't get it on boots.

Valkyries on Boots because everything else is worthless.

6) Does anyone think there is a better combo?

7) Also is a superior rune of Dagger Mastery worth using?

Thank you,

Phoenix Arrows

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

With many other ugly people

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1) Stats are the same, except for the types that you can't get in Tyria.

2) Mostly conditional armor and +health ones. Ex: +XX armor in stance, while suffering conditional, while controlling X spirits, etc.

3) It's a bit hard to understand this question...but if I read it correctly, yes.

4) Yes.

5) I would actually prefer +energy or +armor while attacking. Usually there should be a Monk that can remove conditions. Also, +5 health is a waste. I would rather get 1 energy.

6) Read #5.

7) Yes. Assassins should try to take out targets with 1 combo. Most Dagger Mastery = more damage = easier to fulfill role.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

1. Yes. However, Factions armors have more choice of the armor mods - such as the health bonuses - which aren't available in Prophecies.

2. All Tyrian stats seem to be available in Cantha, but some Factions stats aren't available in Tyria, as said above. You can get all bonuses as Fissure armor, though.

3. You can mix different armor sets, but not all of the armor bonuses are global. Health and energy bonuses stack, but the ones with additional armor versus damage types are per piece only. To get the benefit of the bonus on those pieces, you will have to be struck in that region. Ascalon and Knight's armor are no longer global, so the damage reduction from that armor is the same as that of others. That is, it no longer works just to have Knight's boots and have the damage reduction no matter where you're hit.

So for your example, the +5 defense for boots will only be taken into account in the damage equation if you're hit in the boot area. The -3 damage received on the gloves only counts if you're hit in that area.

4. You can mix the skins and bonuses yes, but see above for how successful that will be.

5. Regarding the reduced poison duration, I'm not sure if it's global or not. If it is, it's a good idea to include it in there. If not, it might be better to have a health or energy bonus for that item.

7. I would say survival is more important, even if that means lower damage output. Assassins are weak enough melee attackers as it is. In PvE I'd say no, but in GvG it could work to your advantage.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


also remember for 7. that 16 dagger mastery increases your attack time to ~0.99 instead of 1.33 seconds



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by MrGuildBoi
also remember for 7. that 16 dagger mastery increases your attack time to 1.00 instead of 1.66 seconds
Daggers have a standard 1.33 attack speed, same as swords and axes. Higher dagger mastery simply increases the chance to double strike. I think it works out to equal at 0.99 attack speed at 16 DM.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

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Originally Posted by Phoenix Arrows
1) Stats are the same, except for the types that you can't get in Tyria…
1) So there are armor types that you can't get in Tyria that you can get in Cantha, but not armor types that you can get in Tyria but not in Cantha correct?

3) For example warriors armor: Mixing Dragon, Gladiator, and Berserker.

5) So you would suggest Infiltrator (+armor while attacking) for chest and legs and Shrouded (+1 energy) for gloves and boots?

As far as having a monk to take away conditions, I only play this character with my wife and henchies. I'm not sure how well the henchies go on removing conditions as I haven't played with them much, as I solo with my main. Though from what I've seen Sister Tai is near useless though Jamie and Danika seem to do rather well...

But does +2 energy really make a difference? oO?

7) I’m used to playing a warrior and soloing with it in Tyria, thus I find myself dying a lot with my Assassin in Cantha. I know Assassins aren't tanks, but I'm having trouble adjusting my style, especially as I switch back and forth and don't play the Assassin as much. Do you think I should get a rune of superior vigor to offset the negatives of the superior DM? Or do you think it would be a waste of cash?




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

1. Some skins are unique to each continent. You cannot get the Dragon skin in Cantha, for example. Otherwise, that's correct. All armor bonuses are available in Cantha, but not all are available in Tyria.

5. Yes. That or health bonuses on the feet and gloves and Infiltrator's the rest. Or full Valkyrie's.

The henchmen have blessed light and the protector hench have draw conditions (Karl also has mend ailment). They seem to use them a bit for me; often too much in the case of blessed light, as it's an expensive condition and hex removal if not hurt.

Two energy can make a difference, but I'd prefer the +10 to health.

7. I'd stick with major. The +9 health that a superior vigor provides over a major I don't consider worth an extra 30K unless it's for characters I use very often.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

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Originally Posted by Lafayette

3. You can mix different armor sets, but not all of the armor bonuses are global. Health and energy bonuses stack, but the ones with additional armor versus damage types are per piece only. To get the benefit of the bonus on those pieces, you will have to be struck in that region. Ascalon and Knight's armor are no longer global, so the damage reduction from that armor is the same as that of others. That is, it no longer works just to have Knight's boots and have the damage reduction no matter where you're hit.

So for your example, the +5 defense for boots will only be taken into account in the damage equation if you're hit in the boot area. The -3 damage received on the gloves only counts if you're hit in that area.

That means the stickies that are up are no longer accurate...

At the top of this section is the the thread "Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers): Check here first!

Said link has the following items under Armor:

* Is Knight's armor global absorption? Does it stack with Absorption runes?
* Latest word: did the Factions update "fix" Knight's/Absorption?
* Does Guild Wars Faction's "fix" Knights/Ascalon armor absorbtion? Or "fix" * Mesmer's Performance armor?
* What is the best Warrior armor?

On all four of these topics the main posts claim they stack. Now that I've went back and read them to the very ends, it says they don't.

On the one: * What is the best Warrior armor?

They still have the following by Weezer Blue:

Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
Yup. It's all correct.

I think

Weapons Mastery +1 Helm
Gladiator's Chest + Legs
Stonefist Gauntlets
Knight's Boots

is the best possible combo. You maximize your energy, your knockdowns (assuming you use a hammer), and your absorbtion effect.
So this is no longer true...

A mod should really update these threads.

And that then begs the question what is the best warrior armor combination?