Wasn't Elona a part of Prophecies in the desert? I'm wondering if Nightfall will border the southeastern end of the Prophecies Map?
Elona's Reach, not Elona... It's like, eh... Little Italy, or Little China. or something.
Alathys Tylderaan
Elona is a different place, where the ghostly hero is from. The elonians came on a pilgrimage to the crystal desert with the hopes of ascending.
Originally Posted by Solar_Takfar
Elona's Reach, not Elona... It's like, eh... Little Italy, or Little China. or something.
Ramy Consigon
heh agree but to the fact that those are parts of italy and parts or china, a better way of saying it is like having china town in L.A. except tere is only one in existance.
I better example would be Hong Kong in the 90's. Hong Kong was part of the British Empire, but quite a long way from Britain

Who knows? Maybe it will be next to the desert...like it would be on the map in this thread in gabrial heart's post.
From what I remember from Prophecies, the Elonian ghosts said they where doomed.
It might be that just the Elonians that ventured to the Crystal Desert where killed and the main body of their population is located somewhere else.
If they where close they might be able to prevent the doom.
Or, if Elona is somewhere far on another continent, it can explain why the Crystal Desert dudes where killed without receiving any help
On the other hand, Elona might just be a ruined city somewhere south or east of the current explored Crystal Desert
ANet don't do anything on accident, so this Elona should be related to the Crystal Desert ghosts.
Still the Prophecies map still have larget areas yet to be revealed so it will be interesting to see if anything will be done with them.
Those are the screenshots currently present on the official site:
doesn't look like anything in Tyria
It might be that just the Elonians that ventured to the Crystal Desert where killed and the main body of their population is located somewhere else.
If they where close they might be able to prevent the doom.
Or, if Elona is somewhere far on another continent, it can explain why the Crystal Desert dudes where killed without receiving any help
On the other hand, Elona might just be a ruined city somewhere south or east of the current explored Crystal Desert
ANet don't do anything on accident, so this Elona should be related to the Crystal Desert ghosts.
Still the Prophecies map still have larget areas yet to be revealed so it will be interesting to see if anything will be done with them.
Those are the screenshots currently present on the official site:
doesn't look like anything in Tyria
Originally Posted by morgothstark
doesn't look like anything in Tyria