Geo vs. pyro


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006

in your opinions, which is better, pyromancer or geomancer. what are the ups and downs of both. thank you very much.

AW Lore

AW Lore

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2006

Ancient Warriors Gaming Clan


both have their pro and their cons.

pyromancer foucuses more on AoE damage, while earth focuses on support spells.

the earth line has a few AoE damage spells, as well as some armor ignoring ones. the earth line also has the wards that help whoever partymember from your team is inside them

the fire line has mostly AoE damage spells, but has few single target damage spells. that is all, just damage. (and to scatter mobs with the spells that deal damage over time)



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


I always had much more fun playing Earth ele than I ever did playing a fire ele.

Dark Dragon

Dark Dragon

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006



There is no "best" choice it is purely situational on which element line to use.

PvE in general pyro is quite useful due to the mobs but as an example, fire island air/earth would be the better choice due to the monsters high ac and fire resistance(? not sure but fire dmg is very low there)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006

thank you very much. im thinking im going to try geomancer, thank you all for your help


Join Date: Dec 2005




Pyromancer is getting some love in pvp too...

Ashleigh McMahon

Ashleigh McMahon

Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

North East England

WoTU[Warlords of the Underworld]


Too debate this a bit more, heres a quick bit of info.

Water Magic: Slow down magic- Prevent foes from moving around the battlefield fast, whilst also dealing quite good damage.

Fire Magic: Heavy AoE damage,also known as nuking- most common. Few single target spells.

Air Magic: Heavy Single Target spells, also known as "Spiking"

Earth Magic: Few AoE/Single target spells- good in close range( earthquake/aftershock combo)- mostly support element.