55monk weapons ?

recon the mad

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


The BlackHand Brotherhood


Hi everyone..
I was wondering which weapon would be good for a 55hp monk ?
got my ascetic armor but need 1 rune cant afford it right now cause i dont got any money but when i get money which weapons should i use for my 55hp monk ?
I know i need a -50 cesta but is it even possible to buy one or do i really need to go through - cities of ascalon quest to get it ?
Also what would be a good weapon toghter with the cesta ?

thx in advance


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


[HH] [Hax]


Well the Fiery Flame splitter is my Favorite, cus it has 10% chance of half recharge, and its a axe so you can upgrade it with a % longer enchanting Grip.. The Axe itself is very cheap and come from an Ascalon Collector..

Also, its possible to buy the -50 offhand from other players, but if your low on money then i advice just doing the quest and get it..

Also, some ppl pefer a 5+ Energy Weapon with Longer enchants Upgrade, but mainly then with Bonettis Defence + Bathazars spirit i never need that extra 5 energy, where the Faster recharge can give you a faster SoJ or whatever to do more dmg. Or an Extra Spellbreaker so its easyer to tank in UW without dodgeing Malestorms.. So FFS of Enchanting Is the best IMO..




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Totem Axe



Join Date: Dec 2005



rajazans fervor or the one i use a +5 enrgy +20% enchants golden phoenix blade

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


any sword or axe with an Enchantments last 20% longer mod.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Id go with either the totem axe (5-8K), or flame spitter (5 scorched loadstones 15gp! ), add a 20% enchanting, and you're ready



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



I have both the totem axe and the firey flame spitter and I think the ffs is better since you get faster recharge for skills.

recon the mad

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


The BlackHand Brotherhood


ok this maybe sound noobish but i cant find the Collector that can exchange sorched lodestones for fiery flame spitter axe :/ Nicanor Gannel in Pockmark Flats where is he ? and i've looked on the maps on guild wiki etc and i still cant find him and yes.. im not in a party when im looking for him

Ashleigh McMahon

Ashleigh McMahon

Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

North East England

WoTU[Warlords of the Underworld]


Totem Axe ftw I use that for troll/mission soloing, and I use a Holy Rod (Faster recharge on Smiting skills 20%) for UW(zapping nightmares).

Originally Posted by CPU

Eat A Poptart

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


well i have a 55monk to (i just got to lvl 20) i have 1 rune and have the -50 cesta im gonna go ahead and use a -50 cesta and a totem axe or a enchantment wand.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


Originally Posted by recon the mad
ok this maybe sound noobish but i cant find the Collector that can exchange sorched lodestones for fiery flame spitter axe :/ Nicanor Gannel in Pockmark Flats where is he ? and i've looked on the maps on guild wiki etc and i still cant find him and yes.. im not in a party when im looking for him
rumor says that your country needs favor.




Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by MrGuildBoi
rumor says that your country needs favor.

Okay, we all know how rumors tend to spread around this place, and the utter horror that follows them around... The appearance of the collector has nothing at all to do with your territory having the Favor of the Gods. You must be alone, however.

recon the mad, you're not the first person to have troubles locating the collector. Basically, just follow this map and hold down your Alt key while spinning the camera around. I know you've already made several attempts to find him, but keep being persistant and you'll find him eventually.

Personally, I use the Totem Axe or Rajazan's Fervor when I am 55'ing, just because of the pre-modded aspect. Plus, the Fervor looks wicked sweetd.