Drops in UW & FoW
Am I the only one who finds it odd that two of the highest level areas in the game drops items you wouldn't use past Fort Ranik? Swords with less then 15 max dmg, staves with 5 energy, focus items with 6 etc. Regular drops in higher level areas should be of a higher quality (but no, they shouldn't always be perfect drops).
Lowly Peasant
I agree, the majority of the drops in the UW and FoW are pitiful, not hardly worthy of the level of the creatures in the area.
I dont think staffs with +5e and offhands with +6e actually drop in UW/FoW. I agree that most of the drops are crap, though. As for chests, its either I get a caster item or a warrior/ranger item with no dmg mod. But overall I think the main purpose of farming these areas are for ecto and shards.