Combine skills Charm and Confort animal into one elite for this build.
Allow him to have three pets different types or all the same.
Let him buy armor for certain pets like Bears, Tigers and possibly Lions. If not a lion get my favorite dog, the Mastiff they are huge. Maybe you could find things like spiked collars lengthing poison or adding armor.
Whatever I always felt you didn't do enough with pets. Maybe a Shepherd could have two or three large pets or five to six smaller ones, or one very large one that no one else can capture (a small dragon, elephant or some sort of troll).
His main skill as a Herder like the strength to Warrior and energy storage to Ele would be where he could get groups of animals making it unique to him.
Add some better protection, heal and attack skills along with not losing the use of skills if a pet dies and you are ready to go.
Would love to design a beast momma shepherd with a little beaver tail outfit...

There you go have at this idea hackers! If you hit it real hard just do so after telling me of an idea of yours.