The first storms of winter battered the peaks and whistled through the valleys, driving down onto the cruel landscape and throwing flurries of snow up from the mountain tops. A firelit cave flickered on the moutainside, it's sole occupant huddled for warmth.
Fenrir Windwalker, as he used to be known in ascalon added another bundle of twigs to the dwindling flames. The trek through the Shiverpeaks was not an easy one, especially with winter setting in, but a far crueler fate waited in Ascalon after the fall of Rin. Fenrir had elected to strike his own way through the mountains, ahead of the main Ascalonian caravan, he wondered just how many of his countrymen would last the journey.
Fenrir heard a familiar growl of greeting from the mouth of the cave as Shardik returned, licking his muzzle. Shardik was bear of giant proportions, large, even for his kind - the shiverpeak black bear, renowned for it's size and hardiness. They had been thrown together years before when Fenrir was driven into shelter on a hunting trip in the Shiverpeaks. He was astounded to wake up with a giant bear sharing the warmth of his fire. A deep kinship had formed between the two, and Shardik's keen sense of smell had saved both their hides on multiple occasions.
So far, Fenrir's intuition, and Shardik's senses had allowed them to avoid most of the Avarica patrols, the bird-like race were well known for their savagery and hostility to trespassers. The major worry for Fenrir was the Stone Summit Dwarves, who patrolled around the mountains killing everything that wasn't a Stone Summit Dwarf. They were currently locked in a war against the Deldrimor Dwarves, whom they considered oucasts.
It seemed that the Stone Summit had the upper hand, and it was rumoured that Thunderhead Keep had fallen. Fenrir knew better than to get involved with the dealings of dwarves, and dimissed the problem as none of his business.
Fenrir dumped the rest of the wood onto the fire and resolved to set out on the morrow, but until then he would get some sleep. Resting upon his rucksack, he drifted into slumber, knowing that shardik would wake him if there was any sign of danger.....
More to follow...... Feel free to comment