Hello, I'm having allot of problems with this err 7.
Last time, our team was in dark chambers, we got error 7 and we won, so we got some stupid mage. After that we went to hoh, around 2:30 mins, 2 people of other teams got err 7 at excact the same time. 30 seconds later, i get err 7. So i can't find my team anymore some minute later i see ... team has won a battle in the hall of heroes, and i recognise the name, i tell him bout err 7, actually after me some other dude also got err7. Now, i teammate got error 7 at zaishen so we resign. I'm just writing this to show that err 7 is not the fault of the client, but the fault of the servers. Do something about it ! And anet, if you dont beleive me about that hoh, just look your logs, it was around 13:00 GMT +1.
Error 7