Originally Posted by mrvrod
Max armor at Droks costs 12k exactly without runes or dye (yes dye is optional, but so are runes if you want to be that technical). Warrior runes of superior absorption go for about 2k each right now so 5 pieces of armor X 2k = 10k. Orange dye 140g, green dye 100g, yellow dye 100g, mixed for a goldish bronze = 340g per vial, again X 5 = 1k700g.
That brings the armors total cost to 12k + 10k + 1k700g = 23k700g I challlenge you to show me how you can make that in 4 hours of farming! |
Whoa, whoa, whoa... what!? Are you serious with the totals, here? First off, why would you need 5 Absorbtion runes?? They are non-locational and non-stacking. Always has been, always will be. So right there your totals are way off. The fact that you're including dye costs are laughable as well.
Besides, 23,700g in 4 hours? I can make at least 3k in less than 15 minutes Vermin farming. It's easy as pie. That's 16 runs in 4 hours X 3k per run = 48k bare minimum. Stupidly simple farming, albeit a bit boring. So yeah, 24k in two hours.