Kurzick Faction Quest Question



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Ok. The search is currently disabled so don't get mad if this has been asked a million times, but...

I've heard there is a runnable quest that you can do for kurzick faction points and it is the best way so far to quickly get kurzick faction. Is this true? If so, where do I get the quest from and what is it called?

BTW, I did look on wiki, but I didn't see any repeatable quest that can be run...

Once again, sorry if this has been asked a million times, but the search is down...and the kurzicks always never win at fort aspenwood....



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005



Takes less than 4 minutes, and once you know the route it's darn near impossible to screw it up.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Ok. Thank you. I guess I missed that quest or something.

Lord Centaur

Lord Centaur

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005




Personally, I just did all the Kurzick quests and topped it off with the Fort Aspenwood mission which gives you 750faction everytime you win, and 400 if you loose.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Ok...either i officially suck at running this quest (and mayberunning in general ) or this is just really hard. Any tips or good builds to use, or maybe both, or a map of the path you take or something? Anything at all to help me? I've only accually made it once so far and it's getting anoying. So much degen... Right now, it seems like even aspenwood on the kurzick side is faster...

And Lord Cenetar, how come you get 400 faction for losing, if I've gotten 400 for winning before? Is it a glitch or am I unlucky or something?


I just did aspenwood again, and lost, and only got 176 faction...any reason why it is so low?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by gamecube187
I just did aspenwood again, and lost, and only got 176 faction...any reason why it is so low?
You get 4 faction points per 1% of gods wrath is completed, plus 250 for winning. The luxon side have a similar benifit, they gain 80 faction per gate that has beed knocked down once. This totals to 650 for each side if the luxon side knocked down all gates and the kurzick win on stalling the attack long enough to complete the weapon.

just a typo



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Tyggen
You get 4 faction points per 1% of gods wrath is completed, plus 250 for winning. The luxon side have a similar benifit, they gain 80 faction per gate that has beed knocked down once. This totals to 650 for each side if the luxon side knocked down all gates and the kurzick win on stalling the attack long enough to complete the weapon.

just a typo
Ok..but then how did I get 176 faction for losing? I'm really confused!

Also someone please help with the quest(my preveious post in this thread)!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


You get 4 points for each 1% of the weapon is finished, meaning you get 200 points if it's 50% finished when you lose. The luxon side also gets faction if they lose (assuming they knocked down atleast one gate).

I didn't try running the supply quest myself, but I'm pretty sure you can find guides on it (or running in general atleast) here and on guildwiki.