29 Jul 2006 at 02:26 - 8
I don't think his laptop is capable of using dual channel sticks. I agree that the dual channel will provide better results, but only if the laptop can handle it. Ok...now let me explain bottlenecking to you.
Bottlenecking is when you are trying to get more out of your system than what the components can handle or were designed for. It's when your trying to have more information run through it than it can handle. Think of it like this: Take a bottle of water, turn it up side down and open it. The water wants to move out of the bottle all at once, but the neck of the bottle is preventing the water from draining out of the bottle all at once. Think of the water in the bottle as being the data your computer is processing, and the bottle is the hardware in your computer. The amount of data that is being accessed is more than what your computer hardware can handle. The biggest problems that cause bottlenecking aren't enough memory, a cpu that can't handle the load, etc. Your computer when it is just running has many application running at once. Your memory (only having 256mb) is probably the bottleneck here. Because you are using a laptop, the memory is probably running windows (standard), antivirus (standard), other applications (standard), and the graphics. Most desktops have individual graphics cards which only are in control of the graphics, unlike a laptop which doesn't have a separate graphics processing unit. Games like Guild Wars require more memory to run when there isn't a separate video card, so it requires the laptop to get more memory from somewhere. Windows has a neat little feature called "Virtual Memory" in which it takes hard drive space and converts it to memory that it can run programs with. The problem with this is that it isn't as fast as RAM. Windows is adding more memory to your system, but it isn't the same as adding more memory. By adding more memory to your system, you are going to be allowing more things to run at once smoother with less lag.
I can't believe I just typed all of that...