Anyone else think this Irish song needs to go ASAP? I honestly have no idea what they could have been thinking.
For those wondering where the music comes from it happens if you or someone close emotes to dance or play an instrument @_@
Music When You Emote
That sounds cool.. hoping that it'll last till I can log in and hear that for myself. I'm sure it'll get annoying soon enough, but.. I don't use emots that much anyway.
Curse You
Um, I'm not getting any music on my necro.
What character profession are you having this happen with?
What character profession are you having this happen with?
What have you been smoking? I got no emote music.
Naomi Heartily
Patch fixed it.
well there WAS music I can assure you that. But that's good
Numa Pompilius
Yeah, yeah, very likely story... You should cut down, man...
Thats a negative ghost rider
Solar Light
i heard something funny like that in setuing when i was working on a ahing char, but i have not found it anymore, patched i guess...
awwwww......I want to record mp3s of myself playing classical guitar and attach the files to the "/guitar emote", so I can be an entertainer in Lions Arch!