Hero's Ascent has been getting empty lately, the same run of the mill builds set by players, or a random pug , or you give in and go henchway.
The best teams are usually guild organized teams,
why not create a HA Que, with a build type template.....
IE -
Enter mission
then choose from the following
Ranger SPike
Blood Spike
( etc )
when enough of the same people que up for the same type teams,
then they enter battles,
it would sure beat waiting for hours, and give people who want to try new builds a chance to experiment, and not have to endure groups who are using cookie cutter builds for fame farming.
either that or simply take off that banner from HA, because as it becomes monoplized by the same groups , it will become meaningless, and so will the ranks, because then only elite guilds would monopolize it.
Further, It makes no sense to make a global banner of a section of a game that is dying, there are at most 2 to 3 districts active these days when at one time it was near impossible to get into district 1,
I'd rather see a banner that someone won 100 random arena fights and won favor for such a feat than to see the same guild win a title I cant because I cant get into a decent team.
anyways, my rant / suggestion in one page.
side suggestion - A guild should also allow people who want to join a chance to spend 100 gold in requesting to join a guild......and people can have recruiter titles.
This would also avoid having to spend days and days of recruiting , and never getting to play the game.
Atleast with a recruiter title, if someone enjoyed playing with me in random, or a pug or another game, they can click my name and add a request to join my guild.
I've spent alot of Gold on Guild hoppers, I think its time people spend money as well to show their own loyalty, guild hop on your own change