How about this instead:
When you're watching a cutscene or in-game cinematic, you would have a checkbox at the bottom of the screen that would "auto-skip" the cutscene, with text beside the checkbox saying something like "Automatically skip this cutscene". When the checkbox is unchecked and you click to check it, it would do two things:
- Act as if you'd also clicked the "Skip" button, and
- For each subsequent time the same cutscene is supposed to play, automatically act as if you'd skipped it.
- For "instructional" cutscenes (such as those at the beginning of HA and alliance battles), it would just skip those cutscenes without ever showing them to you again. (How many PVP'ers who have played HA more than once need a detailed explanation of how the Underworld map works? Not many.)
- For mission or group cinematics, it would just act as if you'd clicked Skip the moment the cinematic started. The checked checkbox and corresponding text would be shown at the bottom of the screen to show that you'd previously chosen to skip the cutscene. If the whole party had previously checked that box for a given cutscene, the whole cutscene would be immediately skipped, displaying a message to all party members to let them know the cutscene had indeed been skipped. If even a single party member had not checked the box on a previous viewing of the cutscene, then the cutscene would play normally until skipped by that player.
- If you had previously chosen to auto-skip a cutscene but were forced to watch it again because a party member had not seen or chosen to auto-skip it previously, you could uncheck the checkbox (if you really cared to).
- Cutscene skips could be on a per-character or per-account basis -- either way would still be a major improvement.
- You would still have to wait for the cutscene to complete if someone in your party did not skip it... but hey, this is supposed to be a team-based game with shared experiences.