I'm not sure how to start this post, so I think I'll just start here.
I have worked really hard on this and put a lot of time into it, so much that I'm nervous about seeing the comments... but anyway, for those wondering. Here's the history of this project.
Back in March of this year, I made a small batch of movies based on the Factions BWE, and among the batch was a mock news production I made based on the ending of the event (with all of the Kuunavang's flying around Cavalon and House and all that). Well, being a huge fan of machinima, I went ahead and decided to make another. This time, while still being a mock news production, the focus is on last month's Dragon Festival.
This would have come out a lot sooner, but my college-affording career decided to be a jerk and intervene. After starting it nearly 4 weeks ago, I finally wrapped it up last week just before the PVP event, and decided to hold off on releasing it until after the event so the focus on this could be greater.
I've worked really hard on this, along with my girlfriend, so we all hope you like it. It's been released to my guild since Saturday morning, and I've heard only great things since.
Anyway, along with giving you the links and stuff, I wanted to know if you guys wanted these to keep coming. Currently (today infact), I'm finishing up some early writing for something that will cover the PVP weekend, and wanted to know if it would be worth the effort to continue with StarNews 23 or to, well, just stop making them or something.
So download it for its unknown entertainment value, or download it for its sense of nostalgia. But please, if you like it (or don't), please say so.
Also, just a warning - this movie contains adult language. I say this because when I released the first Sn23 (LOW, HIGH, both DIVX), somebody complained about the adult language and not warning beforehand.
edit: original thread here