Glint vs Kuunavang



Desert Nomad

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Legion Of Valhalla


Originally Posted by Chief
Interesting topic. Dragons has been a hobby of mine for years and tend to favor Eastern world dragons (gothic and medieval) than the Far Eastern Dragons (orient).
Eastern dragons (Glint) were always considered as an evil power, terror-inspiring and warlike.

Far Eastern dragons (Kuunavang) were considered a source of wisdom and a beneficent creature.
Glint (considered god-like) was also created by the Gods of Tyria and the first of all creatures, which means Kuunavang is a child in comparison to Glint. I would not weigh too heavily on the skills you see Glint use in battle, because she also has eons of wisdom to aid her in battle and very well may have powers beyond our comprehension.

In my opinion, Glint will prevail.
My reasoning exactly for saying Glint would prevail.
Also, Glint is 1 level higher ;-)


Krytan Explorer

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Originally Posted by lapsus
i saw that but man she is HUGE! lol a 500 lbs person can walk but can they run?
Have you any idea how much an aeroplane weighs on Earth and what an aeroplane does?
Mass is hardly an issue when flying.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006




Space Rokets fl & they dont have any wings..wy couldnt glint fly.. y dude y???


Glint is a girl so dont be manly (i never tought i would say this) and let he girl win!

PS for woman:im indeed that sensitive, i would be a rly nice man for yu all.

PS for men: dude that wanst true, MAN ABOVE THE WOMAN.


Pick Me

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Thornill, ON, Canada



I vote Glint wins over the Kuunavang, why?

1) Glint has the power of future sight - She can see the skills used and how the battle is won or lost, so she can compensate and predict what skills/spells the Kunnavang will use, even before it is used. Thus, Glint will win.

2) Glint has never been tamed by the Lich nor the White Mantel/Mursaat or the Seer. The Kuunavang has been tamed by Shiro.

3) Glint has defenses vs Physical attacks and vs elemental attacks, the Kuunavang does not.

4) Glint is so powerful and so unique there are no mini-pets of Glint.

5) As mentioned before, Glint can summon Facets of herself (she is so powerful, she can destroy those spores with ease)

6) There is an alter dedicated to her, no one really cares about the Kuunavang.

7) I think Glint has better AI than the Kuunavang



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006



no ones wants to condsider the time it would take to create facets..... Kuunavang wasnt tamed by anyone just corrupted.... The harvest temple is Kuunavangs lair..... Future sight would only work until she changes something then she would have to re-see the future with the new choices made... Even though glint maybe able to fly, which is the more manuverable/faster/better a 747 or an F16?




Join Date: Apr 2005

good voice acting vs bad voice acting. Glint wins.

some guy

some guy

Jungle Guide

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We Speed Clear H O H [ HsC]

Originally Posted by DC_Ross_Dark
They both have lame ass voices, so i hope they both die.
Agree, most GW npcs will die too.

Xaero Gouki Kriegor

Xaero Gouki Kriegor

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npcs seem to have an ability of talking without moving their lips, this annoys me, i swear, im gonna someday pull out a knife and cut a couple of them out a mouth or two, so they can speak through them, instead of this telepathetic/telekensis psychic voodoo hoodoo speaking



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


Originally Posted by Lynxius Pardonus
I Beat Glint with 6 people earlier(me including), to my surprise really.(2 peeps left before reaching Glint)
Amazing really, since 2 of those 6 people noobs, and one was Alesia the healer henchman.

Heres proof:

And more:

My monks a cutie aint she. ^^
Anyway the point is, Glint was more easily defeated than Kuunavang.
Hence, my opinion is that, Kuunavang is stronger.
I'd have to disagree. Having killed Glint with 6 people too, and having witnessed the play against Kuunavang I think it's wrong to judge the dragons based on our experience as players who engaged them. The only thing that makes Kuunavang so strong and hard to kill (as players) is the limited space in which you fight him. When he casts his seeds of corruption, there is not much space where you can go to both avoind the degen and do damage to him. That is not the case with Glint - you can run around her lair all you want. Which is kind of crazy, considering you are in a grain of sand. I have no doubt in my mind that Glint is far more smarter than your average pug and would avoid/interrupt the seeds. After all, Kuunavang got pwned by Shiro's corrupted touch and we had to save him. Realizing that Shiro is a pretty big wuss - I'd have to go with Glint on this one.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


Originally Posted by lapsus
Even though glint maybe able to fly, which is the more manuverable/faster/better a 747 or an F16?
Mass-wise Kuunavang is sleek and agile and sure looks like he could out-manouver the big old Glint. That's the idea of a F-16 and a 747. But for all we know Glint could well be a Sukhoi 33.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006


I've beaten Glint with myself, one person, and 6 henchies. All you need is Spinal Shivers and a warrior with an icy sword.




Join Date: Jul 2006




I say Glint would win because I dont like factions and I think if kuunavang got pwned by Shiro he cant be too hard, cuz I dont like Shiro either Not to mention Glint is tecnically a God, and kuunavang is just a dragon that gets corrupted by a playboy ninja ex bodyguard. lol

Paul Mahdi

Paul Mahdi

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Fort Worth, Texas



I'd say Glint because I like Tyria much more then Cantha. Kuunavang sucks. Although, I do like those special skills he gave us during the last mis- No, Glint is better.

I don't think this thread is interesting enough, lets throw Shiro, the Lich, the Frog, and Undead Rurik into the fray. I would pay to see that battle.



Forge Runner

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Originally Posted by Paul Mahdi
I'd say Glint because I like Tyria much more then Cantha. Kuunavang sucks. Although, I do like those special skills he gave us during the last mis- No, Glint is better.

I don't think this thread is interesting enough, lets throw Shiro, the Lich, the Frog, and Undead Rurik into the fray. I would pay to see that battle.
Rofl! Great idea. Oh, let's throw in Carlotta too - she's so cute!

Let's see now...

Match 1: Shiro vs Lich

The "playboy ninja" shows the Lich some pr0n, and since the Lich is undead and can' know, he enters a depression and runs away crying. Shiro Wins

Match 2: The Frog vs Undead Rurik

The Frog blinds Rurik with his golden text, but Rurik adds the frog to his ignore list! Nobody wins, as the Frog can't attack, but he can't be targeted ingame either.

X The Nomad X

Ascalonian Squire

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Fifteen Over Fifty - Rare


Originally Posted by Paul Mahdi
I'd say Glint because I like Tyria much more then Cantha. Kuunavang sucks. Although, I do like those special skills he gave us during the last mis- No, Glint is better.

I don't think this thread is interesting enough, lets throw Shiro, the Lich, the Frog, and Undead Rurik into the fray. I would pay to see that battle.

The Lich destroys all, well, in the battle of Shiro, and Undead Rurik, at least.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Grotto,The Paradise of GW Afkers

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Glint is probably stronger because she got one higher lvl and she got her facets and forgottens protecting her. Glint's minions would probably pwn Kuv. before Kuc can even get closed to Glint.
enchanted and forgottens got slightly higher lvl than affics right? so Glint pwn them all!

Sephiroth Istari

Sephiroth Istari

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

For me Glint was harder to kill and she's 1 level higher.


Academy Page

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Originally Posted by ryanryanryan0310
Steping outside of the box for a moment, i hope they make a glint mini- pet ..
that would rock.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


The Confidential Men [Cmen]


I'd say that lore wise glint would win

but PvE wise I would say Kuunavang for this reason
when I fought glint: I had just ascended, full 8 man party, breezed through the mission and killed glint without looking, at this time I was so much of a noob I wasn't even a W/Mo....

when I fought Kuunavang: Due to lack of people henchway seemed to be the order of the day and I never managed to even get to fighting glint at the end....then I finally got a full human 16 man team and even then it was still a challenge worthly of mention.....until we got inco close quarters and out 4 warriors got close

Personally I would want Glint to win



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


what about glint vs shiro they are both lvl 31



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

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Angel Sharks [As]

Definately lore-wise, Glint, hands down.

Kuunavang was corrupted, and turned against the heroes, but still couldn't prevail in a battle. He mindlessly gave it all he had, with evil fervor, to no avail. Glint was just mildly peeved that someone grabbed one of her eggs, even then she went easy on the heroes, not killing them, but just showing them who's boss. I'd hate to see a corrupted Glint... there'd be no Crystal Desert left.

Tark Alkerk

Tark Alkerk

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imo glint would win hands down,
due to the fact that just about everyone has beaten kunnie where as that is not so with glint.
also glint is the first therefore the best, kunnie is just a immposter.

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Although i like Kuunavang more, the truth is, Glint is gonna pwn him



Lion's Arch Merchant

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Kuunie has super lame voice acting but she has a lot more firepower than Glint. Besides Kuunavang gives you Celestial Skills. Glint gives like 1000XP for all your hard work

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

if only we could keep the celestial skills, celestial storm is so much fun to use.




Join Date: Jul 2005


I think Kuunavang would hit on Glint and they are going to have children and live happily ever after.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


well u can solo the glint as far as i can tell you cant solo kuunavang

Seraphim of Chaos

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Thanks for replying to this. More opinions appreciated!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

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I would think that Glint would be able to crush Kunnie's spores with ease. Not having those spores would be a big hurt for Kuunie.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

A Circle of Ravens


I gotta say Glint. The original. The baddest!

Cow Tale

Cow Tale

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suppose halfway throw the battle Gwen shows up and throws flowers at them and they are taken back by this and make peace? or on the other hand, they take a short break to devour Gwen, then get back to buisness and then have to call it quits cause they get stomach craps from eating too much sweets. since girls are made up of sugar, spice and everything nice. XD



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


Society of Souls [Argh]


hehe, Glint FTW!
corrupted glint... thats would be the end of the world...
and glint vs shiro? hehe, she'd crush the traitor with one foot
shiro pancakes any1? xD


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


Glint would win because of Crystal Haze and Crystal Hibernation. Crystal Haze would exhaust Kuunavang eventually, and Crystal Hibernation would let Glint survive from Dark Chain Lightning.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Dutch Assassins {NL}


We will win it by our self :P we had to kill Glint and Kuunavang and i gauss a lot of people have defeat them both.

Aztec Mijo

Aztec Mijo

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006



glint didn't want to kill you either, dead chosen ones dont fulfill prophecies.

so maybe she held back a ton.




Join Date: Jul 2006




Glint is my favorite

Rex the Unloving

Rex the Unloving

Wilds Pathfinder

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California, U.S


My vote goes to Glint. But if Glint and Kuunavang were to combine... the name would be .... Kuunanint, or Gluunavang... i dunno.

Guildmaster Cain

Guildmaster Cain

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Originally Posted by Hidden in the Mist
Glint can be solo'ed while Kuunavang can't.
It's not solo, but I came pretty darn close, Eve just did a lot of BR which I really didnt need...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

I hope Nightfall has a dragon.

Timeless Logic

Timeless Logic

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I think the most critical aspects of such an analysis are setting and characterization. Glint was created for a certain purpose, and acts out her role in a certain area among certain conditions. The same is true for Kuunavang, but her skills and purpose are different, and as such comparing the two seems difficult, at best. Because Glint's primary role was that of guide and aid to the Chosen of Tyria, she places the survival of the heroes above her own anger at being attacked. This Glint is polar to the Kuunavang corrupted by Shiro Tagachi, a very manic and aggressive dragon who excels and revels in combat. Once released, however, Kuunavang is dedicated to defeating Shiro, and aids the heroes in doing so. Now, why is all this important?

First of all, based on the above statements, Glint and Kuunavang would most likely never fight under normal circumstances. Kuunavang is too removed to come into contact with Glint, and even were this to happen, Glint would most likely refrain from doing battle in order to maintain the balance brought to Tyria by the Chosen. The exception to this would be if Kuunavang were herself a threat to the balance, but since she is fairly quickly released from Shiro's corruption, this is unlikely.

Based on in-game skillsets and experience, I would rule in favor of Kuunavang as a likely victor. Her offensive capabilities seem to surpass those of Glint. Yet we don't know much about Glint's defensive capabilities, so the battle could very well take a 180-degree turn. There is much left to be discovered, and I think it's foolish to conduct this debate solely from the angle of gameplay. Such reports rely heavily on point of view, which is in turn heavily dependent on the actions of other team members. A discussion of this type of lore requires inference and outside contemplation in addition to screenshots and statistics. My interpretation of the lore causes me to rule in favor of Glint from that perspective.


P.S. This is my first post in the Lore forum, but I've been lurking for a while and I'll be posting quite often from now on.