Sell a guild


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

I was just wondering if I could sell my dead guild with Cape and Hall. Me and buddy came over from DAOC when GW's first came out. I just picked up the game again about 3 weeks ago and realized out of the 4 ppl(including me) no-one has logged on in almost a year. I am the guild leader, with a GuildHall and cape and was wondering if its possible to get back some of the investment we spent way back when we started. I'd hate to disband the guild and find out 2 days later I could have sold it.

By the way the guild name is The Vanquished Knights {TVK}



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

You can sell it if you find somebody willing to buy it. The name cannot be changed so they have to like the name. Sigils are much cheaper than they were a year ago so you may be able to get 5-10pp out of it if you don't have any NPC's purchased.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

thanks for the info mate



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

you can actually sell the guild IF the guildhall has all NPCs - cos' sigil price is ok now, but about 1 mil on guild-hall services is quite expensive... at least for starters...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

well to tell you the truth, price is no object here. If I make money, good.....but i just want to get rid of it


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Hired Killers [HK]


Maybe a little of the topic here but I've always wondered how you go about selling/buying a guild. As I see it it's all a matter of trust. By this I mean does the person buying the guild trust the seller and give them the money before being invited into guild and getting promoted to guild leader or does the seller have to trust the buyer by inviting them into the guild and promote them to guild leader then give them the money? Surely either way the guild leader at the time (which ever way you do it) could just kick the other person?

I haven't been a guild leader for a long time now so i'm not sure if things have changed.
I'm not saying I'd do any of the above but let's be honest, there are some dodgy people out there.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005


Sole Asylum [SA]


i believe if you want to get rid of a guild and selling it doesnt work the type in
it could be /disband guild
im not too sure anymore, havnt done it in a while.