what is 15k armor?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


What is 15k armor? and does it cost 15k?

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Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


15k armor is a cosmetic armor, and yes, it does cost 15k.

http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Armor_types has some pictures of 15k armors and the materials needed.

eternal pho


Join Date: Nov 2005

The Licious Fame Farmers {TLG}


15k armor doesn't really cost 15k. The price of 15k armor depends. Each piece of 15k armor costs 15k, unincluding material prices. The armor is just for looks, and stats do not differ with 1.5k armor. You can craft your 15k at Marhans Grottos and Granite Citadel for Prophecies, and Vasburg Armory and a luxon town fpr Factions.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


The Eyes of Ashtabula [Eyes]

Yup, it's all in the look.

That being said I want some 15k for my ele at least. I'm going to mix-n-match styles and cost to get a set I like looking at.

Funk ee Monk ee

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Legendary Adventurers Guild [LAG]

wow, why would they call it 15k armor if it didn't cost ... 15k? Some very o.0 - ish questions being posted today. Use a little comon sense before askin on the forums.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


it's called 15k because thats the price (per piece) once you have the appropriate materials to craft it.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Funk ee Monk ee
wow, why would they call it 15k armor if it didn't cost ... 15k? Some very o.0 - ish questions being posted today. Use a little comon sense before askin on the forums.
It Does NOT cost 15K so your post trying to diss people that are looking for information has made you more o.O-ish then the person asking the question.

To OP Like it has been said it cost 15K per piece of armor and that is only the gold part, you still need to buy or atleast count the cost of the materials used.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

yes 15k per armour piece so every armour set is 60k gold in total without materials except for Warrior Sets which are 75k because they are the only Profession to have 15k Headgear, reason being Headgear on any other profession is too small or bland to be detailed further for example Monk Head Patterns may be covered by Hair, and i fail to see how they could Improve the look of Ranger Masks either, however Warrior Headgear shows a visible and large difference, so in turn is worth buying.

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Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Originally Posted by shadow39365
...except for Warrior Sets which are 75k because they are the only Profession to have 15k Headgear...
Actually, In cantha, Everyone gets 15k headgear. 15k Necromancer headgear changes the color of your eyes...