Fissure has the forgemaster, which by himself makes worth the travel to fissure, what other kinds of special NPC or rewards could be on the other realms...
Lyssa's realm can be the perfect place to recreate the appearance of our character as the realm of illusion and change, there could be a quest or place where we can alter our base physical aspect.
Melandrus realm could offer special pets, like a kind of familiar pet like the minipets but adding them some bonus to some atribute or especial effect.
Or maybe special training options or armor skins for pets.
Grenths could be upgraded and offer something like special skins for minions, cold auras, or terryfing living shadow on our character :P. Or perhaps adding a special death for our character or a special efffect when we kill our enemies.
The realm of Dwayna, at this moment i dont have any idea for it.
Apart from this, elemental auras could be also interesting.
The idea of Profesion Academy or Guilds also atracts me, not player guilds in the strict way but places where specific profesion quests take place, special trainers rewards and profesion ranking inside the guild depending on achievements for the guild and its members. Like a special arena where minion masters make fight their creations, special duels 1vs1 or against master trainers... That could be the perfect place to tune skills and interchange builds between members or offer temporary skills to test them before release.
For pvp specifically GVG a special battle were one member of each guild is a prisoner in a subterranean zone of the other guild and must act alone until their guild comes to rescue. The Battle ends when a team takes his teammate to safety in his own zone.
ok that's it for now expect comments and suggestions.