How long is your Ignore List? (no names pls)
I thought it would be amusing to know how many ppl each one has in his/her ignore list. (Practically how many jerks you've encountered plus something extra)
Btw, believe it or not, my Ignore list is empty but I think I'll soon find the first 'resident'.
Btw, believe it or not, my Ignore list is empty but I think I'll soon find the first 'resident'.
The Herbalizer
Two maxed out friends lists.
0 on ignore.
0 on ignore.
Empty ignore list as well.
I have three. All of them of which who believe I am a girl and won't stop sexually harassing me.
Size of ignore list is directly proportional to time spent in Random Arenas.
That said, mine has shrunk from full to almost empty since I quit going to RA. There are only 3 on the list now and that's because they are chronic AFK/leechers for Aspenwood. I use the list to help me to remember who they are.
That said, mine has shrunk from full to almost empty since I quit going to RA. There are only 3 on the list now and that's because they are chronic AFK/leechers for Aspenwood. I use the list to help me to remember who they are.
Originally Posted by Opeth11
I have three. All of them of which who believe I am a girl and won't stop sexually harassing me.
I have ZERO.....I may have one for a day but then I take them off they usually forget that I'm even on....I love stupid people......
Swinging Fists
Originally Posted by MelechRic
I use the list to help me to remember who they are.
Other than him, who has since been deleted because I never saw him login again, my list is empty. I guess I don't want to ignore the idiots, as I quite enjoy hearing the things they have to say.
Originally Posted by Opeth11
I have three. All of them of which who believe I am a girl and won't stop sexually harassing me.
anyway, i had about 8-9 people on mine, but i just deleted it....
one was the same as with opeth
one was a free runner that in the middle of the run said i should give him all my dyes
lots of jerks
Silent Kitty
I just recently cleaned it, but I had at least 10 on it.
Originally Posted by MelechRic
Size of ignore list is directly proportional to time spent in Random Arenas.
I = Ra + Lc + (Pt)^2
Ignore = Random Arenas + Local Chat + (Population x Time)^2
Mine usually has 1 or 2 on it, i add people who are annoying when i happen to be at a mission or town and remove them later on.
0, but I know I'm on loads of other people's list. They're usually the ones who need ignoring. But I just love'm making fun of themselves.
Mine is full. I remove ones i forgot why i added them when I need to others. These are spammers and other morons who have annoyed me. Usualy high rank pvpers who have'nt a clue how to play anything apart from iway.
Underworld Calling
0 on ignore and maxed friends...
I keep a notepad of extra friends that are on
and yes, I clean out my friends list after I haven't talked to them for awhile
I keep a notepad of extra friends that are on
and yes, I clean out my friends list after I haven't talked to them for awhile
Not enough, I've made a shitlist on a notepad because I can't fit people in my ignore list.
Hephaestus Ram
Zero here too, most I've ever had is one for about a half hour.
Seems like the kind of people that annoy me have an attention
span of around that long at the most.
Seems like the kind of people that annoy me have an attention
span of around that long at the most.
I filled mine all the way up before I realized it was just easier to turn off local chat.
Jin Of Stealth
Mine used to be maxed, but since then I've gotten rid of a few names...I think im at about 2-5.
only 1 because shes been complaining about how she got owned from malaise and massive -10hp and -4 nrg regen and she was from random arena.
full :P
Currently, two, but it will vary. I'll add people that I don't want to team with as a reminder of what their name is. But after a while, I remove them.
Mine is currently empty at the moment...
W.T.S spammers goes on it , thats about it
Empty ignore list as well.
i have 1 on ignore list.
how many is the max for friends list btw?
how many is the max for friends list btw?
Cyan The Archer
I have 7 on ignore list, and to get on my ignore list you have to be really really REALLY annoying.
0 people on my ignore list. If people are being stupid I just don't talk to them, and then no one bothers me. Never had anyone on my list and I've played GW since it came out.
T Lo
I clear mine usually within days of adding someone to it. I don't believe in holding grudges.
Griff Mon
I fill mine up and empty it out on a regular basis. Really annoying people in ToA are my candidates for the list.
I have 5, I only add when someone tries to scam me or someone else in the party. It's mostly for curiosity's sake anyway, what are the odds that I'll ever meet them again? Anyway, here's some interesting stats:
-3 out of the 5 on my list have "warrior" in their name...
-...well, sort of. 2 out of those 3 have spelled "warrior" wrong
Hardly enough data to base an analysis on, but interesting nevertheless
-3 out of the 5 on my list have "warrior" in their name...
-...well, sort of. 2 out of those 3 have spelled "warrior" wrong
Hardly enough data to base an analysis on, but interesting nevertheless

0 (zero), I'm flameproof and I have a nasty habit of harassing people who flame me, until I'm the one put on ignore.
Amity and Truth
Well, for a while the max on the ignorelist was 10 but you could circumvent it by manually adding them or switching them over from the friendslist. As of lately it's just too many idiots to really consider adding them all.
However the point of the ignore list is to cut down on people that keep on harassing you and actually DO hold a grudge. So basically for a long time my ignorelist was:
1 st Slot:
Someone who betrayed me in Real-Life. I had to put her on ignore simply because she was Venomtongue revived and i had to protect myself from her. Yes, she was really that evil and even if you hate her, she WILL find the right words to elevate you - just enough to bring you down again.
2 nd Slot:
Another person abusing my RL Friendship. After a long period of time he just turned on me and started spreading rumors.
3 rd Slot:
Someone whispering me with sexual harassment for a continued period of time and that even continued doing so after i sent in several reports. He's still playing, he would still harass me if not for the ignore function.
4 th Slot:
Some guy that thought i had scammed him and kept on swearing every day. Ignore was the only option as he wouldn't even stop after i adviced him to send his ****** wanna be proofs to A-Net.
I had several more people on my ignorelist as for some reason people only stop annoying you if you let them know you are ignoring them "the hard way". As in "user is ignoring you". If you just ignore them otherwise they spam your chat with insults and swearings up to the point where you can't just ignore them.
However the point of the ignore list is to cut down on people that keep on harassing you and actually DO hold a grudge. So basically for a long time my ignorelist was:
1 st Slot:
Someone who betrayed me in Real-Life. I had to put her on ignore simply because she was Venomtongue revived and i had to protect myself from her. Yes, she was really that evil and even if you hate her, she WILL find the right words to elevate you - just enough to bring you down again.
2 nd Slot:
Another person abusing my RL Friendship. After a long period of time he just turned on me and started spreading rumors.
3 rd Slot:
Someone whispering me with sexual harassment for a continued period of time and that even continued doing so after i sent in several reports. He's still playing, he would still harass me if not for the ignore function.
4 th Slot:
Some guy that thought i had scammed him and kept on swearing every day. Ignore was the only option as he wouldn't even stop after i adviced him to send his ****** wanna be proofs to A-Net.
I had several more people on my ignorelist as for some reason people only stop annoying you if you let them know you are ignoring them "the hard way". As in "user is ignoring you". If you just ignore them otherwise they spam your chat with insults and swearings up to the point where you can't just ignore them.
Only 1 at the moment...
Guy i was trapping in UW with... He brought the WW spirit which lasted 134 seconds. He kept casting it on top of the traps so when he was trying to control aggro 1 aatxe would catch sight of the spirit and break away from the group triggering all the traps... Then the remaining aatxe from the aggro came in a slaughtered us.
Kindly said to the guy don't put ww so close to the traps, he took it personally started calling me a n00b, then he left the game claiming he couldn't play with me telling him what to do. After that he sent me abusive whipers...
Guy i was trapping in UW with... He brought the WW spirit which lasted 134 seconds. He kept casting it on top of the traps so when he was trying to control aggro 1 aatxe would catch sight of the spirit and break away from the group triggering all the traps... Then the remaining aatxe from the aggro came in a slaughtered us.
Kindly said to the guy don't put ww so close to the traps, he took it personally started calling me a n00b, then he left the game claiming he couldn't play with me telling him what to do. After that he sent me abusive whipers...

Tuoba Hturt Eht
My Ignore List is empty.
Upgraded Ignore List - A possible cure? Issue of leechers, AFKers
However, if the proposed suggested change as detailed in the thread above is made to the Ignore List, then perhaps I will be using my Ignore List to improve my Guild Wars gaming experience.
Upgraded Ignore List - A possible cure? Issue of leechers, AFKers
However, if the proposed suggested change as detailed in the thread above is made to the Ignore List, then perhaps I will be using my Ignore List to improve my Guild Wars gaming experience.
currently in the same state as it was in the first day i started GW: empty ^^
guess i'm just extremely lucky to encounter jerks, but not the kind that send abusive PMs or anything annoying enough to warrant a spot on my ignore list.. or i'm just too soft
guess i'm just extremely lucky to encounter jerks, but not the kind that send abusive PMs or anything annoying enough to warrant a spot on my ignore list.. or i'm just too soft
Former Ruling
I recently deleted everyone off mine as they were all mostly from situations like 7-8 months ago
Empty. I occasionally ignore people if they are abusive but i delete their names within 12 hours or so. If I keep looking at their name, I'll just think of the incident, if I delete it I'll forget everything.
Nocere Moriari
Actually mine is empty
The Herbalizer
Oo update I have one person on it who I forgot about. He started raging at me for wanting to buy ectos in toa. He was like omg ebay noob!!! Its pitiful and you dont even have a title. Started saying I should go back to ebay and stuff.
I was speachless at his stupidity and ignorance. I had my title boxes all turned off and I buy ecto in bulk as I have little use for gold when the majority of my trades are 100k +xx ecto. Kinda sad people think anyone who has alot of gold ebays but then again thats idiots for you.
I was speachless at his stupidity and ignorance. I had my title boxes all turned off and I buy ecto in bulk as I have little use for gold when the majority of my trades are 100k +xx ecto. Kinda sad people think anyone who has alot of gold ebays but then again thats idiots for you.
Hidden in the Mist
I maxed mine out pretty fast after getting my warrior to level 20. I wish Anet could the amount of people ignored to that of the Friends list.