How long is your Ignore List? (no names pls)
0 since this thread made me realise I perhaps should take those 3 people out since I ignored them 1 year ago or more.
Too long. Definatly need more Friend / ignore slots... I find myself dumping a friend off list in favor of adding an ignore, cause I know I can find the friend again via alliance chat...
Three words:
Not Long Enough.
Not Long Enough.
Spirit Of Azrael
full... had to ignore most of my old guild... too many beggars.
Cicada Sopita
Empty at the moment - Usually they learn that I don't want to talk to them after a while and I can take them off the list - don't want reminders of bad experiences.
1 because no matter how much we begged her to stay (until the end) in Urgoz Elite mission to help us (and hassled us about leaving throughout the entire mission) she left, after we all declared (including her) to take a real short 5min break; she left anyways. She stated and I quote “Everyone AFK’ed so I left” as soon as the 5 minutes were up and near the very end of the mission she did this. Furthermore she was still on waiting for another group for the Urgoz mission, when I asked her why she left (of course we all died at the very end, thanks to her). Ever since, I rarely get that ticked off, but I came close another time before this though; but laughed at the issue (with this other guy) and forgot about it.
I've found my ignore list dwindling ever since I turned local, trade and alliance channel off and went into perma do-not-disturb. Soon it will be empty.
Lena A
5 or 6 guys, including bots and Nazi.
Full. How about another 10 slots ANET?
Lena A
1$/ignore slot
None here
Originally Posted by SnipiousMax
I filled mine all the way up before I realized it was just easier to turn off local chat.
The lonliest place in Guild Wars
Im on 0, and i think its just that GW has a relitivly nice natureed community.
My ignore list is empty. Too many friends.
I had some people ignored at some point but eventually I made up my mind. Why freak out and start arguments over and because of something as trivial as a video game? Why should I get made at someone who I will never meet again and whom I will never know? That was the day I "ascended" and my gaming experience has not stopped improving ever since.
I had some people ignored at some point but eventually I made up my mind. Why freak out and start arguments over and because of something as trivial as a video game? Why should I get made at someone who I will never meet again and whom I will never know? That was the day I "ascended" and my gaming experience has not stopped improving ever since.
gene terrodon
6, 4 scamming 55 monks (not asian or bots, but real life scammers who chatted it up and then proceeded to hijack the run or try to get me killed for a drop) and 2 who stiffed me on runs...I use it to flag scammers.
I don't waste time worrying about local chat knuckleheads. I use local chat to find a pug (if I'm not in a guild/alliance group) and after I get in, local chat is off.
Your ignore list will always be full if you bother interacting with local chat knuckleheads.
I don't waste time worrying about local chat knuckleheads. I use local chat to find a pug (if I'm not in a guild/alliance group) and after I get in, local chat is off.
Your ignore list will always be full if you bother interacting with local chat knuckleheads.
Zero. I never hide behind the ignore list. If someone has something to say to me, I want them to say it.
Kriel Drache
It's full. I remove people when I forget what they did that pissed me off, but there are a few that are on there to stay.
scammers, liars and flammers xD
scammers, liars and flammers xD
Full, If some1 bother me, ill remove 1 then add another...
Mine is usually full, I delete names after a while mostly to add new names. ...Ignore list isnt long enough.
Once they are on your ignore list you wont see any posts from them and the ignore list unlike friends list doesnt show if they are online or off.
Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
I had someone scam me on a run - I paid 500 upfront - lol. I just wanted to remember who he was in case I ever saw him again advertising, I would alert everyone.
And the only reason he's on it is so that I always appear offline to him. He seemed to be tracking when I was online, which made me uncomfortable. What I mean is that he played with his friends list open, and noted when I logged on, when I logged off, and what character I was playing. It got to the point where he'd whisper me within ten seconds of me logging on and within 10 seconds of me changing characters. So he's now on ignore and probably figures I've quit GW.
And the only reason he's on it is so that I always appear offline to him. He seemed to be tracking when I was online, which made me uncomfortable. What I mean is that he played with his friends list open, and noted when I logged on, when I logged off, and what character I was playing. It got to the point where he'd whisper me within ten seconds of me logging on and within 10 seconds of me changing characters. So he's now on ignore and probably figures I've quit GW.