Alliance Name and [TAG]
As it is of now only the alliance leaders get any recognition for being in control of towns, which is unfair to the other guilds that are in the alliance and worked just as hard. As a solution I suggest that:
1. We can create (and change) our alliance name. THe alliance name would be seperate from the normal guild name and would show somewhere on the alliance tab and when you enter a controlled town. This would make us seem like an alliance instead of just being under the lead guild, I'd rather be Knights of the Round Table then Robin Hood and his Merry Men!
2. To go with #1, another tag should be added at the mo its:
Guild Name [NAME]
If we could have a tag that shows people we are all from the same alliance it would help (and make sure that ferry scams cant happen and ive seen a couple that could have been) the tags should be like this:
Guild Name [NAME] [ALLY]
It's not a huge difference but it allows all the guilds to be in an equal position instead of Lead guild way at the top and the rest of the guilds way at the bottom.
1. We can create (and change) our alliance name. THe alliance name would be seperate from the normal guild name and would show somewhere on the alliance tab and when you enter a controlled town. This would make us seem like an alliance instead of just being under the lead guild, I'd rather be Knights of the Round Table then Robin Hood and his Merry Men!
2. To go with #1, another tag should be added at the mo its:
Guild Name [NAME]
If we could have a tag that shows people we are all from the same alliance it would help (and make sure that ferry scams cant happen and ive seen a couple that could have been) the tags should be like this:
Guild Name [NAME] [ALLY]
It's not a huge difference but it allows all the guilds to be in an equal position instead of Lead guild way at the top and the rest of the guilds way at the bottom.
Terra Xin
and make sure that ferry scams cant happen and ive seen a couple that could have been |
Sorry, I'm a bit confused, where 'specifically are you suggesting that the "Guild Name [NAME] [ALLY]" show? The only way people see guild tags would be to look at your name, and in actual fact it would be "Character's name [guild] [ally]" If that's the case, it's going to make looking at your name, along with your tag, and your title, a bit of a read.
If it's gonna be on the alliance tab as you suggested... then... noone but the alliance will see it, which makes it pointless.
lol yea but theres a lot of people who dont realise
ahh i see i wrote it out wrong in my haste should have been
Character Name [Guild]
as it is in town, now if your in an alliance your alliance tag should appear after that
Character Name [Guild] [ALLY]
because atm it seems like only the lead guild gets any recognition for controlling a town and lets be honest that the main reason we do it, really 10% discount isnt worth going through all that effort for, even access to the deep prob isnt worth it. At the same time i would like this i dont want to take the tag of the head guild i want a unique one that we've all decided on or have no probs with.
and how is an extra 3/4 letters more of a read?
and in the alliance tab i was talking about a unique alliance name
ahh i see i wrote it out wrong in my haste should have been
Character Name [Guild]
as it is in town, now if your in an alliance your alliance tag should appear after that
Character Name [Guild] [ALLY]
because atm it seems like only the lead guild gets any recognition for controlling a town and lets be honest that the main reason we do it, really 10% discount isnt worth going through all that effort for, even access to the deep prob isnt worth it. At the same time i would like this i dont want to take the tag of the head guild i want a unique one that we've all decided on or have no probs with.
and how is an extra 3/4 letters more of a read?
and in the alliance tab i was talking about a unique alliance name
Very very cool idea. I like the idea of an alliances own name. It will help get rid of some of the leader squabbles. If your in a popular alliance, everyone just knows the leader guild and thats not fair at all. It takes away from what an alliance truely should be. (And the alliance tag can be red or blue depending on allegiance! We dont have enough Kurzick/Luxon disputes =b )
An alliance name and additional tag would kick ass.
An alliance name and additional tag would kick ass.
nice idea.

Nelis Bonecrusher
/signed yea i like it
max gladius
what if... Alliance tag replaced your normal guild tag? I think 2 tags would get excesive, you could choose to post your guild tag or alliance tag, just as you can your cape.
/signed, sounds like good idea
/signed, but id say make it an aura for those who are in the alliance holding the main outpost for either side, aka if a kurzick from the current alliance holding zeltzer is on the kurzick side he would have a special aura around him.
/signed for dbl tags
good idea.
~the rat~
good idea.
~the rat~
I pwnd U
/signed but I like Max's idea, choosing which tag to display
Remember that each 'query' for names increases lag.
With enough lag, you'll sree people's names without tags, and the tags appearing later.
More data in names means more lag.
With enough lag, you'll sree people's names without tags, and the tags appearing later.
More data in names means more lag.
You can't see me
That would be nice.
That would be nice.
Lady Raenef
I think the entire Alliance should be listed when you click an outpost that can be controlled. For example, you click on Cavalon.
Owned by:
Fast Faction Farmers [FFF]
Need Lifeless Farmers [NLF]
Wtb Town Kthx [bye]
Sign This Idea [plOx] get the idea. When you go to the alliance, you still only see the leading Guild's name appear, but instead, when you go to Cavalon it should still only say "Owned by Fast Faction Farmers [FFF]."
I ALSO think that the guild capes should hang along a wall in order of the Alliance leader to the final guild. Just so we can see them. I'd also like to see the cape of your guild in the guild hall, but that's another topic to debate.
I think the entire Alliance should be listed when you click an outpost that can be controlled. For example, you click on Cavalon.
Owned by:
Fast Faction Farmers [FFF]
Need Lifeless Farmers [NLF]
Wtb Town Kthx [bye]
Sign This Idea [plOx] get the idea. When you go to the alliance, you still only see the leading Guild's name appear, but instead, when you go to Cavalon it should still only say "Owned by Fast Faction Farmers [FFF]."
I ALSO think that the guild capes should hang along a wall in order of the Alliance leader to the final guild. Just so we can see them. I'd also like to see the cape of your guild in the guild hall, but that's another topic to debate.
Yes would be nice
/sign both hand!
/sign both hand!
some more credit to the guilds in the actual alliance would be nice (like getting a list of guilds who own the town instead of just the leading guild)
however, 2 tags would be a bit too much imo
however, 2 tags would be a bit too much imo
For all reasons already stated.
For all reasons already stated.
maybe tag's shouldn't be displayed both but acted as titles instead.
Like you can either activate your GUILD tag or your ALLIANCE tag.
Should be put as an option in your Guild panel though, so it won't count as an official title.
maybe tag's shouldn't be displayed both but acted as titles instead.
Like you can either activate your GUILD tag or your ALLIANCE tag.
Should be put as an option in your Guild panel though, so it won't count as an official title.
Shayne Hawke
/signed, but it's questionable for me, because wouldn't the lead guild be the one to make it anyway? Lead guild could just make the alliance the same name.
This would be great 
I really think they should improve some of the alliance features.

I really think they should improve some of the alliance features.
Ok but... who ultimately pushes the button for the Alliance name? I'm guessing it would be the Alliance Leader...
He/she could make a fake guild and put a trusted account in there if it was really that important to them... but it obviously usually isn't.
Your "problem" is really undemocratic alliance structure.
He/she could make a fake guild and put a trusted account in there if it was really that important to them... but it obviously usually isn't.
Your "problem" is really undemocratic alliance structure.
Nightmares Hammer
12 chars.
12 chars.
Exterminate all
Good Idea. Would really help guilds get more members and make people believe them when they say that they own a town. Also maybe the leaders could be on their as well.
Good Idea. Would really help guilds get more members and make people believe them when they say that they own a town. Also maybe the leaders could be on their as well.
Ok, the alliance that owns HzH breaks up and reforms about every two weeks in order to allow all the guild names to cycle through as the leader (OMEN is the only one I can think of off the top of my head). This new alliance name (which I see was requested at least a year and a half ago) would be a nice touch so that alliances that do that wouldn't be required to. My guild had no trouble recruiting (part of BTU alliance) members as long as we mentioned what alliance we were in (probably didn't hurt when we were recruiting HFFFers and paying for faction donated). If a guild lied about what alliance they were in, the member would know that as soon as they joined and then could (and easily justified) leave and look for another guild.