getting my proph char to factions
ive heard its in lions arch, but thats annoying because im not there yet (im lvl 12) if i get a run there if heard theres a quest, but im not sure id be able to do the quest that gets you to cantha. But is that the way?
That is indeed the way, and you would be able to do the quest easily.
ok ty, and what quests are available in cantha to do, so i can get his level quite high before i start the missions.
from wiki for all the quest. just scroll down to see wich can be done w/ your cantha guy
You'd be able to do the quest to get to Cantha easily enough but at level 12 you minght have problems doing the quests available to you in the City when you get there
Aurora Blackdawn
yeah, but if you do manage to do some of the quests in cantha you'll level really quickly. Tons o' xp.
yah you can do the first quest but the quest's there are all lvl 20 quests so good luck
Once in Cantha you can run down to the marketplace very easy then take the boat to the island and you can do quests there which are more your level or tough it out in bukdek where the creatures are lvl24 and up.