OMG im rich!! - but what to do with the gold


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


I have two characters, one in prophecies, one in factions, and after my cousin stopped playing the game he gave all his 200k gold to me, and my characters are both lvl 12!. I really need some advice on what to do.

My prophecies one is a W/R, which isnt the best combination, my factions is a W/Mo which is better and is also better for farming which is what i want to do, so im thinking about focusing the money on one character and making his really good. But i need a few things.

I need a good axe or sword
I need a shield, a victos bulwark? or something different
what armor should i get, i cant get any further than the harbor in factions atm, but in propehcies im at lions arch.

What else should i do with the money? baring in mind i want to focus on farming when im lvl 20. (is farming still good in factions?)


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



Save the money unitl you can get 15k armour, also check out the auctions and get you self a nice sword and shield



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


I would suggest getting a "decent" weapon and shield...max damage etc but nothing too expensive....also would suggest going to Beacons Perch and getting a run to Droknars Forge and buy the 1500g armor (10-15k for a complete set) the rest for 15k armor....also don't worry about secondary as u can switch them later in the game. FYI For a complete set of 15k armor its around 75-80k although it has NO added bonuses over the standard 1500g armor.

Stupid Shizno

Stupid Shizno


Join Date: Jan 2006

Madison, Wisconsin, USA



what your asking will blow 200k easy...


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


ive heard there is no difference bewtween 15k armor and 1.5k armor except looks?

ok thanks ill go to the auctions


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Yep, save your money. Use it to buy cap sigs or other skills you need as you go along, items to work on titles, or a particular weapon when you need one.

Remember apart from skins you can get all the greens made yourself cheaper in most cases by getting the items and then finding the collector. Save up for armor if that's what floats your boat.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


do u think i should use it for my propehcies character or my factions? factions is quite hard atm, even though im not that far in the game.



Join Date: Mar 2006

We Couldn't Figure Out A Name [LMAO]


200k? I wouldn't say you were rich at all

If you're not interested so much in aesthetics, then i'd stick with 1.5k armor as the stats are exactly the same and it will save you a good 60k or so. I'd also go for green items such as Victo's Axe, or Sskai's Sword as these sell for a fraction of their gold counterparts.

If you want better items, gold low req 15^50s for example, then 200k is a good place to start buying and selling for profit. Read up in Ventaries Sell for item values, then scour the trade channels for bargains.

Buying and selling perfect low req items and perfect components is a good way to start. Just make sure you've educated yourself on values before you attempt this.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


yeah i know its not rich, some people have 5 times as more but for a lvl 12 come on lol. Yeah i would like to buy low sell high, to make even more, i want to get some 1.5k armor, a victos axe and a shield, what shield do u suggest i try to get (not for too much).

Mr D J

Mr D J

Permanently Unbanned

Join Date: Jun 2005

Grab Strongroot's Shelter, it's the cheapest shield with the most optimal stats (9 Str, 30 Always/-2 Stance) and it only costs ~15k

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis


you know, i suggest u delete your factions warior and kep prophecies one, because you will change your secondary profession anyways soon. dont waist cash on 2 "identical" characters.... make anouther class, monk, ranger whatever.

imo its not only a waist of Ks its also a waist of time and caracter slots


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


What would you suggest for another character? i only made a W/Mo because ive heard they are good for begginer farming. And i dont like playing with magic, axes and swords are the best lol.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

WOWZOR, ur cousin is realy kind, i wish sombody wuld giove me 200k


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by tomanders91
What would you suggest for another character? i only made a W/Mo because ive heard they are good for begginer farming. And i dont like playing with magic, axes and swords are the best lol.
W/Mo is NOT for begginer farming, im r5, playing for 13 months and i still use my wammo as my main money income, followed by my 55 necro
but as for other cahr, if u want to be a normaly always wanted in groups, but can take constant pressuer to do well, id say monk (as u can also go 55 on them)

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

make a monk (always needed in partys, a passive role that is actually fun)

make a ranger (the most versatile and interesting class you can get )

make a necromancer (tons of fun, have a undead army around you=bad?)

if you make 2 wariors you waist twice the cash on armors, weapons, skills, for the same "character slot function".

to learn the game better start in prophecies. the campaign will let you LEARN the game and its functions. delete your canthan warior, its useless. when you reach the desert you can change your secondary profession to /Mo,. before you reach it, you are not lvl 20 anyways, so farming lvl 12 monsters is a waist of time.

for now, play only with your warior. when you learn the game you will see the other characters "in work"and you will figure out wich one you want to try out.78



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by wilderness
... If you want better items, gold low req 15^50s for example, then 200k is a good place to start buying and selling for profit. Read up in Ventaries Sell for item values, then scour the trade channels for bargains.

Buying and selling perfect low req items and perfect components is a good way to start. Just make sure you've educated yourself on values before you attempt this.


An item is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay and low requirement item does not make it better. Read Here.

You may also want to read the Farming forums for advice and tips. I would also recommend that you capture every elite skill (primary/secondary) and purchase all the regular skills for you Wammo. After you have captured/purchased all your skills for your W/Mo, then I would pick another secondary and purchase/capture all those skills. Keep cycling through each secondary (W/R, W/Me, W/N, W/E, etc). Once you have completed all your skills, then your Warrior will be extremely versatile and able to run any Warrior farming build (outside of weapons, armor and rune usage). Furthermore, you will be able to roll any PvP build (if you decide to experiment with that side of GW) and you will likely earn the Advanced Skill Hunter title.

As for weapons, I would get a vast selection, so you can change builds.
Hammers, Swords, Axes various upgrades (Vampiric, Zealous, Furious, Barbed, Icy, etc.) and modifiers (Defense, Fortitude, etc.).

Acquire various shields that are Strength and Tactics (with physical damage modifiers) based.

Additionally, you may want to have more than one armor set so you can rotate certain pieces (i.e. 3 pair of gloves ... 1 axe, 1 sword, 1 hammer, different helms, etc.), depending on what build you want to run.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else who asks the questions you did... put the money in the bank and leave it there until you can figgure out what you want on your own. You can't rely on what everyone else thinks you should do.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


If you have 200k - Then DON'T spend more than 100k of it unless its to get profit back.

You never want to fall below half of your total assets unless it will give good profit. The second you spend over half of it..Human Nature will pull the rest of the way and you'll be broke...

Buy things as if your budget were 100k.



Join Date: Mar 2006

We Couldn't Figure Out A Name [LMAO]


Originally Posted by Chief
1. An item is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay and low requirement item does not make it better.

2. I would also recommend that you capture every elite skill (primary/secondary) and purchase all the regular skills for you Wammo.
1. Low reqs are not technically better. But they do command more interest and hold significantly more value. I've made a considerable amount buying and selling, and I only ever deal in low reqs.

They aslo provide more adaptability when considering builds. For instance: With a grenths Balance riposte solo farming build, you will want most of your attributes set to Tactics and strength. Having a low req weapon will still enable you to do base dmg with your sword.

You may want to consider this if you'll be farming later in the game. And remember, all max dmg greens are req9 (except shiro's weapons) so they'll allow for most builds without the mammoth costs of their gold equivalents.

2. I wouldn't recommend buying all the skills at all. 80% of them you'll most likely find you will never use. Your best bet is to study all the skills available and pick the one's you know you'll be playing with. You can easily make a few thousand gold later in the game if there are skills you find interest in.

Also, it's pretty pointless to buy/capture skills from your secondary profession that rely on primary attributes. For instance: 5 seconds of Spell Breaker for a W/m does not warrant the time and effort involved in capping it.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



Originally Posted by Maria The Princess

you know, i suggest u delete your factions warior and kep prophecies one, because you will change your secondary profession anyways soon. dont waist cash on 2 "identical" characters.... make anouther class, monk, ranger whatever.

imo its not only a waist of Ks its also a waist of time and caracter slots
Woah, woah, woah.. lay off. Let the man do what he wants. He has a linked account, so he's got 6 slots--he should have 4 available slots. Some people just like warriors, so there's no reason to be hating.. I myself have 2 warriors, but also a Monk, Ranger, and Necro. Don't be telling him what he can do or shouldn't do.. Plus, they won't be "identical" characters because he hasn't gotten that far in either world.

What I suggest:
Buy a Green Weapon (Sskai's Sword or Wing's Axe - both are about 10-15k)
And a Strongroot's Shelter (15k) or Exalted Aegis (20-25k) if you'd like.
Go to Kaineng and buy some max armor. (7.5k + materials)
Buy additional skills that you think you will need--some skills you will never use, but you never know.

Then you're set.
Continue with the storyline.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by Death3D
what your asking will blow 200k easy...
Because 200k isnt alot of money...

Don Zardeone

Don Zardeone

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

200k isn't rich.

200k ecto, that is rich...

go on the wiki and look at the collector and crafter weapons. Figure out what the max and perfect stats are, then buy those.

I'm sure that with 200k, you can get your PvE char PvP-ready or max out everything on it. With that I mean: perfect equipment (whoever doesn't use max damage and maximised inherent mods is a noob, he really is, you can BUY stuff cheaply from crafters so don't run around with 11^50), all skills you need and maybe even an ok skin for your weapon or armour.

To get the full max uberleet stuff for a warrior, you'd probably be looking at spending well over 5 to 10 million gold. Still, with 10million gold equipment, you'd be just as effective as a cheapo warrior.

huMptY DumPty

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006



allright... 200k.
First of all, in the world of guild wars, some have like 100 gold accross all characters. While some others have accounts that has weapons, armors, gold, ectos that can total up to like 20 million gold... yes believe it or not. So 200k can be viewed as rich or not rich, according to the viewer's point of view.

You can spend all that in two seconds; like buying a great warrior weapon like a gold fellblade (e.g. req9 15^50).
Equip your warrior with a pvp and pve ready gear.
#1. Buy a 1.5k armor set ~~~ from droknars or kaineng. (10-15k)
#2. Equip your runes ~~~ **Superior Vigor**etc.... (40k?)
#3. Buy good green weapons (sword, hammer and axe)... victo's axe, sskai sword, and kanaxai mallet? (60k?)
#4. Save about 70k in your bank for skill purposes

My price listings is only an estimate, but this might serve you an idea to what you want to do with your 200k. Good luck

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Meh...not rich in my own opinion...considering that if u work in real life for about 2 hours in minumum wage ud be able to buy 200k off ebay...

BTW if you want a Sskai's sword ive got one, we can barter online, my names Dante the Warlord, here and online.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by wilderness
2. I wouldn't recommend buying all the skills at all. 80% of them you'll most likely find you will never use. Your best bet is to study all the skills available and pick the one's you know you'll be playing with. You can easily make a few thousand gold later in the game if there are skills you find interest in.

Also, it's pretty pointless to buy/capture skills from your secondary profession that rely on primary attributes. For instance: 5 seconds of Spell Breaker for a W/m does not warrant the time and effort involved in capping it.

Did you see where I said:
Originally Posted by Chief will be able to roll any PvP build (if you decide to experiment with that side of GW)
I'm assuming he is not PvPing at this time, so he has zero Balthazar to unlock skills. Farming will generate a lot of Skill Points, so he might as well use them. Eventually, he may want a break from farming and decide to PvP. If/When he decides to PvP, he can use the Balthazar earned to unlock runes and items that he has not found along the way while farming. At least his PvE Warrior will be PvP Ready.




Join Date: Jul 2005

If you insist upon being a WaMo, you should probably get a shield with damage reduction while enchanted.

Stick with green weapons and shields. Most have perfect stats and are a lot cheaper than gold equivilants.

You can get droks armor, but I'd head over to Cantha and get a set that doesn't look like ass. Droks sets look like ass. The only exception, IMO, is droks glads on a female warrior.

Don't buy black dye. Warrior armor doesn't dye that well at all.