This friday at 8pm est the Pheonyx Rising Alliance will be hosting a Party for the GW community. Everyone is invited.
We will have several forms of entertainment throughout the night. Bartenders and Shooter Girls will see to your thirst while Dancers will see to any other needs that you might have. A band will lighten the mood while you hang around and meet some new people.
Some of the games were going to be having are Scavenger Hunts, Duels, Dodge Ball, Races, and some mini games. And we have some very nice prizes for winners, from mini pets and awsome weapons, to Gold and rare items like flames of balthazar and candy canes depending on what games you win and their difficulty. Seriously, we've emptied our stashes of great items and famred like mad for 3 weeks for this stuff, there's over 5 mil worth of items and gold to be given away.
Random door prizes will also be given out.
So, we would like to invite you all to come, make some new friends, and have fun.
If this sounds fun, just PM me your ign here, email it to me at [email protected], or add me in game and send me a whipser saying you would like an invite friday, my ign is Rayham Delioncourt, if I'm not online send the whisper to Pr Bwet or Keochti Rezerxtion.
Invites to our Gh will be given out at 7:30pm est on friday, please come to the GH before 8pm, we have a opening cerimony planned and would like to have everyone there before 8.
Party Friday
Its in the suggestion forum because?
But sounds fun.. I will try to crush it then time rolls around.
But sounds fun.. I will try to crush it then time rolls around.
Ehh I'll see if I can make it. It will all depend on what I have in store for school =/
Sounds fun though!
Sounds fun though!