Do you have any suggestions?! Please?

Rain Dove

Rain Dove

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006


Sweet Tarts


I have recently started a new guild called Sweet Tarts[cute]. I bought a guild hall (Imperial Isle) and I have a really cute cape. I would like some suggestions on how to make this guild work. I would really like my guild to consist of not only Pvp but also Pve because that is my favorite. How do I make my guild fun so people would like to join. So far I only have two members, me and my boyfriend.
Please give me any suggestions you have to offer.
Thank you so much.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Well, the way I've done it may not be the best way to create a large guild, but it helps get a solid group of fun, great players. I usually venture with a friend on missions and assist in creating a comfortable situation in the chat. Play around, having fun and all that. Eventually, you will meet someone who will grow rather attatched to your personality and may want to join your guild.

Then there's a way where a player can spam up the local chat advertising for their guild. Many players provide information about the status of their guild in terms of how "rich" they are, and how friendly they are, too. This way is almost a sure way to get more players to join your guild, especially if you advertise in a fairly "newbish" area like Ascalon and the Shing Jea Monastary. The players you recruit that way may not be the greatest, but the addition of more members could bring in more players who hope to be part of a larger experience.

That's..what I usually see around towns when it comes to recruiting. Good luck on your adventures >_>

Canadian Bacon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ontario, Canada

Kingdom of Tyria [KoT]

Good info, Opeth. I'm just gonna add my own 2 cents.

I prefer the first way Opeth mentioned, about getting to know people before inviting them. You are guranteed to have a fun guild that way, but your guild will stay small for a long time.

If really big, really fast is what you are looking for, then the 2nd method is better. However, I have tried that way as well, and the first thing I noticed was that since you don't have the time-honoured idiot filter known as 'friendship' you will end up with 2/10 recruits leaving within 3 days, 4/10 recruits that are complete morons (for a variety of reasons, since Moron is a very broad term), 3 that are tolerable but that you still can't really mesh with, and 1/10 recruits will actually be a good person that you can be friends with.

I thought of another 1 cent to add to my thoughts. If you decide to emloy the 2nd recruitment method, but don't want to deal with zillions of new players, try circulating around through towns in the Southern Shiverpeaks. That way, recruits are definitely not all that new to the game. Since there won't be many people in alot of the towns, I find it works to look for people with no guild tag, and send them a polite PM, and say something like, 'Hey there, I noticed you are guildless. Are you looking for one, or should I buzz off?"

A few things to remember when dealing with people:
1) Be polite. Even when you invade someone's privacy by randomly asking them if they are looking for a guild, if you say it nicely (like my example above) you will often recieve that same respect back (even if they are respectfully declining your offer ).

2) Good grammar paints a much more positive picture of you (and consequently your entire guild) by making you look more intelligent. First impressions are a key element when dealing with people, and even more important when you are trying to persuade them into your guild.

Plushie Penguin

Plushie Penguin

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

That plushie penguin on a shelf in your bed room


take a look at the looking for guild sub forum on this website!
don't forget to choose luxon, kurzick or neutral, since some people might leave if you pick one and didn't warn them. Some people might disagree with neutral, but it avoids the "one side is better then the other" crap, at the cost of access to the AB maps

and just to add this in, I left my guild a couple days ago[almost no one was ever online]

Rain Dove

Rain Dove

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006


Sweet Tarts


Thank you guys for your imput. I am really not looking to make a big guild, just a small group of maybe 15 playersor less who like to do things together such as Gvg or even missions. I want all my members to be friends and be willing to help eachother out. I will take in mind what you are saying, you rock for answering my thread.

Thanks you guys!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



In terms of the state of my guild at the moment (guild is falling apart!), I prefer smaller guilds in which people can really get to know each other, maybe past the point where you call people by their real names, but I have yet to find a good guild like that. Guilds in which people really know each other make GvG, PvE, and everything else work like magic. But even if you feel the recruitee is a talkative, friendly person, make sure that they are active--my guild at the moment has approximately 4-5 active people. You could always do missions and find people who you feel fit in your guild, and then ask if he/she would like to join. I don't know if I'm in time to answer your question, but I took a stab at it.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

i lead a guild for around 6 months on and off with a close friend of mine, the way i did it was (guild tag or no) i'd play missions with Random Groups and talk to people, have fun, and then start whispering someone getting to know them, then asking about their guild, i was successful at persuading many people to join my guild. Making a guild grow may seem hard, but patience is the key to it.

You can forge bonds of friendship early on in the game, help out some newer players with some early missions, tell them you don't bite and so-on when you help people and become their friend they know they can rely on you when they need some help, so you strengthen your bond of friendship and encourage people to join/stay in your guild.

I found that it took a lot of work to build my guild to what it was (sadly i left it around 8 months ago and it dispanded recently due to poor leadership) patience is the key. I always liked the idea of a small guild, a close band of friends which play together regurlarly, it increases enjoyment in game when you know you have active friends.

the guild i am in now DVDF, we are rather large but we have teams to go and help newer players out, to show that we are a good guild, that we help people, and that people can call on us for help, sorry i am drifting off the point here slightly.

When it comes down to it, it is up to you the kind of person you want in your guild but you just need to be friendly,and get to know the people.

I hope my advice is helpful to you, Good Luck with your Guild!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

oh dear, accidentally posted twice

Sli Ander

Sli Ander

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Deep in Maguuma, by the Falls

Liberators of Agony


My guild got together when we assembled as a random group to attempt to fight our way through droks rather than run or pay. We showed each other we were fun, could keep an appointment for repeat tries, and that we had senses of humor(even though i was the only non-spanish speaker in the group).

Based on this, the best way to go is to work off your friends list, work your way through PuG missions to find friendly people. But its a long drawn out process.

When I attempted to expand my guild through recruiting in certain cities, I always took the time to explain to each person what our guild was like, what we did and made sure to always be polite. This weeded out people without me wasting my money on people who would instantly quit or people we wouldn't get along with. Also if they politely turned down the offer so they could try out another guild, I would tell them to look me up if it didn't agree with them and send them off with a "Have fun, gl". Kinda lets them know you just want someone to have fun, not that you're going to go neurotic and cuss them out if they don't join.

In reference to Canadian Bacon and pming people, I agree completely with that approach. My monk has on occasion recieved those requests and though I turned them down politely, it made me much more affable/respectful to the guild in question.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Though friendliness is important, I would reccommend getting right to the point in asking people if they'd like to join your guild, if you ever intend to randomly recruit the guildless in-game. It's funny but also very obvious and sometimes annoying when a stranger whispers me out of the blue with something like, "hi! how's it going?". I've gotten into the habit of responding to such things with something like, "great, thanks! i'm just lounging about in this town here a bit by myself - i sure hope no one tries to recruit me for their guild or anything like that right now!" It'd probably be best not to target individuals so much while in-game as just spamming information about your currently-recruiting guild to different towns & their districts, and wait for people to contact you.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shyft Machine [MYTH]


No matter how you grow your guild be VERY careful who you promote to officer. I have heard horror stories of that one officer who kicked out everyone in the guild. Also some will join a guild ask for help with missions and ask for weapons, gold and materials then once they have what they want they leave. I dont mean to paint a ugly picture here just be careful. Good luck.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


Antisocial Misfit

I agree that the best ways to recruit are:
1-Party with people and ask them- that way you can both see the other's not an idiot
2-General recruitment in town-NOT SPAM-if I was thinking about joining and you keep spamming the same message every 20 seconds it would make up my mind for me. Also, I have seen loads of "any1 wanna join guild?" messages, and no, if you can't take the time to type properly I can't take the time to join.
3-Whisper non-guilded players in town- I get whispered ALL the time and if they are polite I whisper back "no thanks", if they whisper some leet-speak crap I don't bother responding.

If I may add a bit- don't advertise that your cape is "really cute".



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Scouts of Tyria


Originally Posted by Dawgboy

If I may add a bit- don't advertise that your cape is "really cute".
There are some of us who might actually quite like a 'cute' cape.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ladies Rhythm and Movement Club [MOVE]


although becareful with recruiting intown. there is always a chance u might accidently get a guild hopper.

I only recruit nice people in pugs with mission & quests nowadays.

Caethas Turan

Caethas Turan

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

Auckland, New Zealand

Reapers of Oblivion [Ruin]

My Guilds small, just a bunch of us who created the guild from another.

We generally guest people to our guild a few times, then they have the option of joining, etc. And we let them into our website and forums, just so they get the feel of what we are all about.

Bearing in mind, we are a GvG and PvP guild. And we occassionally do missions. We recruit but not so openly as spam chatsa in towns. Just puG groups in HA or whatever.

It's nicer this way, in my own opinion having a smaller guild of close knit people you know and have fun with.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


N/A and proud of it!


I can empathize Tear I really, really can

There are a few things you must remember about a guild, firstly a guild is made up of real people (no s**t) and therefore can be sometimes unpredictable. Secondly a guild is a long and often stressful thing so be sure you have the patience to wait it out. Finally the old saying a family that plays together stays together (classic but true) for that is what a guild is in essance.

Below are a few things i believe will help with not only the getting, but the having:

1. Always have an enemy - GvG works best for this, find a worthy opponent and challenge them repeatedly and be sure your guildies will follow you into battle. This helps build up that whole team spirit thing.

2. Be sure to have a common goal - if your guild's goal is to fight to Droks, but yet you have a guild whose goal is to pick up as many chicks as he can while online... I'm sorry, but it won't work out.

3. Change your outlook ASAP - wanting people to join your guild is fine, but better by far is other people wanting to join your guild. This my require quiet a lot of work on your part (i.e propaganda, guild rallies, Challenge quest compeletion, HA, etc.)

4. Charisma - if you don't have it then people just won't join you. Try leadership courses in your area, taking a more active role in your life or better yet have a dog whom you alone take care of. Acting courses may help as well (to improve your lying )

5. Leadership - this is key to any indevour you may take. Be in charge ( you can't expect this guild to run itself can you), accept good concel (remember your not alone in this), take an interest in your guildies lives and always reward talent/good behavour as this will inspire loyality.

6. Write stuff down - nothing says I don't care like a bad officer kicking everyone off and you can't remember their names to invite them back.

7. You can't force people to do what you want - well... to be honest you can (pay me a 200g guild fee or I boot you), but really that's no way to build any kind of a guild now is it.

These are just a few things to help you on your way, heed them or not, your chose; I mean what do I know i'm not even in a guild.