Two monk weapons, can't decide...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



I'm stuck between a decision in choosing:

Brohn's Holy Rod (1 Handed)

* Fire Damage 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
* Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Halves casting time of spells (Chance: 10%)


Incetol's Focus

* Energy +12 (req. 9 Healing Prayers)
* Halves casting time of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Health +30



The Scar Eater (two handed)

* Energy +10
* Fire Damage 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
* Halves casting time of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Halves skill recharge of Healing Prayers spells (Chance: 20%)
* Health +30
* Health +30


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


[HH] [Hax]


2 Energy + 10% chance to ½ cast time VS 30 hp..

Imo i would take the Wand + Offhand becouse i dont like staffs, and i find the ½ cast + 2 extra energy better than the 30 extra hp >_>



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


[HH] [Hax]


Crap.... Sry lagged -.-




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by Shadow-Hunter
2 Energy + 10% chance to ½ cast time VS 30 hp..

Imo i would take the Wand + Offhand becouse i dont like staffs, and i find the ½ cast + 2 extra energy better than the 30 extra hp >_>

So Brohn's Holy Rod and Incetol's Focus is the better option? Don't forget the Scar Eater has +60 health...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


That depends does the half cast stack? If they stack I would go with the wand, if they don't, I would go with the health. 2 pts of energy is not going to be missed.



Join Date: Jul 2005


Take both, if possible. The Brohn's and Incetol's is a good standard combination, albeit a little unusual with the 10% universal. The Scar Eater (which is inanely easy to come across, imo) is nice with the 20/20 healing, but it also gives you -2 energy. May not seem to be much, but hey, Energy is the one thing that monks can't get enough of. So, switch to The Scar Eater whenever you're in a tight spot and your HP is dropping, and use the focus/rod combo for standard use.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



With the Scar Eater it's a great staff and the stats are very good, but... it looks like any Holy Staff, very boring. Whereas the rod looks great.

I have Brohn's Staff too, which is good also.

Doug Clifton

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Oceanside, CA

The Shadowed Assassins [DaRk]


a tip to all, most of the time +health is basically useless. You'll find that +armour is much better if you can get it


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


I agree with doug, but for different reasons. Assuming this is for PvE use? Monks usually backline, extra health is not very important. I would rather have the extra energy and the ability to cast faster or more frequently.

Thom Bangalter

Thom Bangalter


Join Date: Dec 2005



well, It has always been said that a monk who can't manage their energy with a difference between 49 and 51 shouldn't be monking at all.

if this is for pve use (which I assume it is because in pvp you would probably be using prot stuff unless you're doing HA) I would just go with the first set because I prefer focii, and all those halves to casting and recharge are going to be very beneficial. Just remember to learn to get some energy management and you shouldn't have any problems with you're gear, for pve purposes anyway.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by Doug Clifton
a tip to all, most of the time +health is basically useless. You'll find that +armour is much better if you can get it
Interesting point... what would you recommend in terms of a good focus?

Reine Stormshroud

Reine Stormshroud

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Valkyrie Einherjer [VE]


It'd be nice to have both of those sets at hand when you are monking. At times you could need the +Health.. and then you need the casting time. More weapon sets = Makes things easier, and makes you more versatile. :]

skreet preacha

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006



extra health for casters is basically a waste, IMHO, casters should rarely ever be taking damage or dying. IMHO, a simple 20/20 cast/recharge collectors offhands are the best foci, and they are available in every attribute (healing, divine, protection, fire magic, death magic, etc).... nowadays, they usually have perfect greens or collector wands to go with them. i personally go with Brohns Holy Rod, becuz it has the max healing mods on them (20/10 is max for rod). and yes, they do stack with the offhand, so added up, thats 40% faster recharging, and 30% faster casting.... before that, i used a green Healing Wayward Wand, thats energy +5^50, 20% healing recharge. that works good too, as well as the crafted Healing Rod, thats energy +5^50, 20%healing casting... with standard tattoos, that boosts ur energy up to 55, with my set with Brohns Rod, its 50 energy. energy should never be a concern for a good monk, so the difference of 5 energy doesnt make any difference to me.

now, if they only made a 20/10 rod for death necros, lol. :-P (they dont, as of yet. :-P)

mighty xxl

mighty xxl

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Team Harmless[TH]


Skreet, it does not stack. 20% offhand and 20% wand does not stack. You will not have 40% recharge, but 36% if i remember corectly.
It has been debate it many times