Hello all, I was told to post this on some of the fansites by the GM staff. After searching the previously mentioned ideas post, it was just brushed over. I think it needs to be readressed so it can be implemented soon.
Here's what I was thinking. Implement functionality into the alliance window that is similar to the guild and friends windows. The initial alliance tab would list all the guilds in an alliance, with the number of online members in each guild. Clicking on a guild's tab in the alliance window would bring up a status window, listing the names of each online character.
This would help in forming groups for both pvp and pve, as well as allow a better social experience for members of the alliance. I've been in an alliance for a while now, and I still don't know every person that is in it, because I can't see who is online, or even who all is a member. This would be a great addition to the game, and a lot of people have expressed a great desire for a feature like this.
The dev team does read this stuff, so let's see some discussion about this. Hopefully it will be added to the game soon if there is a lot of positive response. Please, no "this was already posted, stop wasting my time" kind of stuff. With the prominence this forum gave to this topic, it's no wonder there hasn't been any action taken.
Alliance Changes