omgwtfbbqhax? Question on the "Bad" stuff


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Well, recently... something bad happened. A couple days before the incedent, I was recieving physical attacks through a couple of my ports (smtp server, pop3 etc) but, as I thought, my firewall could protect me, so I went on with my stuff. The next day... virus. Couldn't open Guild Wars, Cntrl Alt Delete, MSN Mesenger or command (I could open Telnet BTW). About 1 and a half days of virus scans and Hijack This logs, I was sick of it... I got my Guild Wars CD, and went over to a friends house to maek sure my account was alright. What do you know. My 150k armor is gone. Nothing else. Just my armor. Till this day I am still trying to fix the computer, but I was wondering if there is anything at all I could do if I was "haxored"?



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


If someone logged onto your account, I'm more then positive they would of took more then armor thats useless to them.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Supposedly, people would just say that you "deserved it" because you happened to visit a shady site or had contact with "hacking programs" that contain spyware, keyloggers and what not. If that's the truth, then perhaps you may have brought it onto yourself.

Why did your armor disappear? No idea. The possibility of a keylogger is quite possible, but it would be tough to explain why the hacker would just terminate your armor.

I'm pretty sure that ArenaNet will not compensate for your losses, as they can not spawn money for you to make up your loss. Even if they could, they would need an excessive amount of proof and persuasion to have them do such a thing for you.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


Sadly, A.Net has said time and time again that they can not recover lost or stolen items of any kind. But, report the incident anyway, and they may be able to at least find the hacker. Not that there's much they can do, unless they can find an IP or something =\

Hopefully, you've changed your e-mail and your password from what was used beforehand. Also, I wouldn't use that computer for GW anymore, just in case there's a leftover virus or something.

Beyond that, good luck fixing your computer

[EDIT] I'd assume that the armor (and only the armor) was targeted as a way of being malicious, not for any gain. That'd also explain why his acount was still there.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Yeah, and, no.. I work for a internet business solution company, and we get hacking attempts all the time, but I never got anything like this one... So, they cna't do anything for me? Hehe, okay.

Oh, VG, thanks... but I still can't access GW to this very minute =/... and my otehr computer doesn't have the GFX card to do it. I'm stuck!




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


not a damn thing.. the fact is you have about a 50 percent chance of lying and a 50 percent chance of telling the truth.. so anet will not belive you and give you nothing.. its the way it has always been and its unchangable.. who knows you may have been hacked..
but you also may have tried to download a cheat for the game or somthing.. so it would then be your fault.. all and all they will not belive you was completly innocent and i agree with them.

Sorry for the rather straight forward and blunt reply.. but this question has been asked more times than "are griffins still around"

dang took me like a minute to reply and i got beat by that many people to slow



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Southsea. U.K.


A virus that allowed access to your pc, GW in particular, ummmm. Well, if the hacker is/virus is so clever, i'd reformate adding a password to log on to your pc account, get a decent antivirus, (Spybot, Ad-Aware se version and SpywareBlaster all free ) get all the security patches, THEN set up new email accounts, changing passwords etc. Finally i would get in contact with Anet. Good luck fella