Alliance Rosters
Link Seercull
I personally think that you should have the ability 2 view an alliances roster by going 2 alliance option from the "g" menu and click on the alliance that you wish 2 view and a button that says "view roster" should highlight itself, jus like the visit guild hall button. Minor suggestion but could rly help.
I agree. Being able to see how many members and how many are online would be a great idea
My guild has discusssed that same idea several times and I still think it should be a part of the game. I like the idea of clicking on the guild name and having their roster come up, this one could make the game a lot more enjoyable because now you can see when a friend within your alliance is online without taking up a spot in your friends list. Shouldn't be that hard to implement, just add it to the alliance part of the existing guild roster. You could also see who the officers and leader are without guessing.
Nice one
Mega Mouse
Nice one
Mega Mouse
Lord Devenish
i agree with this, its been suggested before but i do think it would be useful to have.
i agree with this, its been suggested before but i do think it would be useful to have.
I've wanted this ever since Factions came out
I've wanted this ever since Factions came out
Haven't gotten my alliance yet, but I'm a little surprised that this wasn't already a feature.
Haven't gotten my alliance yet, but I'm a little surprised that this wasn't already a feature.