New concept class


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


This is an idea I came up with a couple days ago. I'm not much of a PvPer, so I'm not sure how well it would balance out with the other classes. And please, forgive the name. I'm not very good with naming things.

Karmic Class
AL: 60

Neutralitry (Primary): For every rank of Neutrality, you have a 3% chance to interrupt all skills used on you, but also a 3% chance to fail when casting skills on others.
Good Karma: Gain 1 health per rank for every Good Karma skill used.
Bad Karma: Lose 1 health per rank for every Bad Karma skill used.
Positive: No inherent effect
Negative: No inherent effect

The Karmic balances the fine line between good and evil, and nothing comes without a price. When in battle, a Bad Karma user suffers when attacking foes, while a Good Karma user is rewarded for helping his allies. However, the most balanced in Neutrality live half outside of our world, causing others to look over him, but also looking over others, sometimes his own allies.

Clarification: The Neutrality attribute only effects skills that have a specific target, such as Orison of Healing, or Empathy. Necromancer wells, AoE spells, and other non-target specific skills are not affected.

Sample Skills:

Fountain of Health: 10e 1c 15r
Create a fountain of health at caster’s location. For 3...30 seconds, all creatures in the area gain 1...6 Health Regen. (Neutrality)

Fountain of Pain: 10e 1c 15r
Create a fountain of pain at caster’s location. For 3...30 seconds, all creatures in the area lose 1...6 Health Degen. (Neutrality)

Peaceful Sanction: 15e 3c 45r
For 5...45 seconds, nearby foes have a 20...75% chance to miss with offensive skills. (Positive)

Signet of Finality: 5c 60r
Sacrifice 15...85% maximum health. Deal damage to all nearby creatures equal to health lost. (Bad Karma)

Focus: 5e 1c 10r
For 5 seconds, target other ally gains 3...15% chance of dealing a critical hit. (Positive)

Aura of Faith: 15e 3c 45r
All nearby allies gain 1...5 health regen for 5...30 seconds. (Good Karma)

Martyrdom Shock (Elite): 25e 3c 60r
For 3...20 seconds, all damage done to allies is negated and dealt to you. Deal 20 damage to all foes in the area for every second this spell is active. Deaths suffered while under the effects of this spell do not incur a death penalty. (Good Karma)

Signet of Darkness: 1c 60r
Target foe is blinded for 1...10 seconds. Missed attacks under Signet of Darkness deal foe 15 damage. (Negative)

Neutrality focused Karmics with 16 rank will have a nearly 50% chance of interrupted skills cast on it. While still able to be hit by standard weapon attacks, this makes Karmics an excellent tanking build. However, they are still weak against any AoE damage, not specifically target them. While this makes Neutralists tough, they are by no means invincible.

The other side of Neutrality is that skills cast have a near 50% chance of failure with a 16 rank. This includes offensive spells, as well as healing spells focused on allies. The only skills not affected by this are self-target or no-target skills. A high-rank Neutralist could easily defend themselves, but could offer little assistance to an ally, and if swarmed, could get little help from them as well. This means Neutrality skills will be AoE skills, affecting foes and allies alike.

Good Karmics focus mostly on healing allies, and themselves due to the inherent effect of the attribute.

Bad Karmics focus on dealing direct damage to enemies, but with an inherent health sacrifice each time a skill is used.

Positives focus on assisting allies, removing hexes and conditions, and blocking or interrupting enemy attacks.

Negatives focus on hindering foes, dealing indirect damage, conditions and hexes.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



Not bad, atleast more develop than other.
Would help if it is more unique, as it stand right now, just seem a bit.... "norm"

Hope to see more and better stuff off you... enjoy


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


i like the idea... it is original for a caster IMO but i think there are more then enough anti-caster classes out there.

i think that if paired with a warrior secondary or assassin secondary this class would be a bit TOO overpowering what with the 50% interupt rate. a K/W or K/A would be nearly unstopable in any skermish with an ele mesmer or... worse yet... necro (without minions). i'm no PvP/GvG/AB battle expert but i think if you toned down that interupt rate it would be a little better. I suppose the low armor sort of makes up for this a bit.

You might want to change the casting spells on others to just casting spells.... cause if a K/Mo used that as it is.... farming out the wazoo! casting spells on self isn't... after all casting spells on others. Just a thought. I mean... if a secondary monk with prot spirit and healing breeze (or whatever the kids are using now a days) had the 50% chance miss rate while STILL having 100% success rate on casting on himself... well shoot where do i sign up for that! Just too powerful for farming there.

Other then that... can you explain a bit more about posative and negative and good and bad karma? which are spell/skill attribute.... which are not (sorta like fast casting and energy storage to some extent)

Mr. G

Mr. G

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

S. Wales


Neutralitry (Primary): For every rank of Neutrality, you have a 3% chance to interrupt all skills used on you, but also a 3% chance to fail when casting skills on others.

This is my main Peeve with this clas......lets be honest, it sucks - now im no expert at concept classes (Its just a hobby) but with a nice couple of boosts and full abillity points thats a 48% chance to interupt, assuming that one of the armour boosts will effect this (they normally do somewhere) this number could be raised to the 52/58% area meaning half the abillities cast on you will fail and half the abillies you cast will fail

1. those numbers are too high
2. Negative effects should always (well allmost) decrease with higher skill
3. I understand this is nutrality...but a team of These karma guys would cause an endless ceasefire. Imagine it in PvP? those battles can go on long enough as it is.

Peaceful Sanction is also another point I noticed, if it only effects foes then its not quite peacful - ahhh how peacfull wen your team butchers the foe.

I dont mean to crush this class....but for a class based on Karma in ironically needs a lot of ballancing, the double edge moves need to have increased posative but Decreased negative effects with better skill and its quite overpowered if combined with say a monk, a monk who spams Peaceful Sanction and with 16 in neutrality, a monk that couldnnt be hit, a monk that gians health whenever they cast a spell on themselves, trhough good karma and divine favour? now thats just silly. Keep up the good work thou and dont lose faith, just tweak it - All good concept classes need ballancing - its the cross between us wanting the ultimate warrior and being practical. Good luck with this!


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


Thanks for the comments and criticism. You're both right. The interrupt rate does need to be dropped, to 2, or perhaps even 1.5%. This brings it down to 25-32%. Altering the interrupt to also affect self-target skills will also provide better balance.

The Positive and Negative attributes are meant to be for more passive assistance, such as wards, wells, hexes and conditions. Good and Bad Karma are for direct assistance, such as ally healing and direct damge to foes.