My ? is this. Recently I left my old guild too form my own.While in my old guild inside there Guild Hall they had 2 Npc's, One too transfer your Luxon or Kurzik faction too and another that would let you enter the 12vs12 arena.Well after forming my own guild I purchased a guild hall and with the gold i've made from farming i've been busy buying my Npc's. I noticed that after purchasing my hall these 2 Npc's i listed above were nowhere to be found.I have factions and even have the same Hall as my old guild.What I need to know is how do I obtain these 2 npc's ? I will not give my faction points to any mega aliance and I really enjoy the 12vs12 arena. Any help on yhis would be much apreciated.
Thank you
Total Kaos
Guild Hall ?
You don't need to make an alliance with other guilds, just chose which side your guild is going to align with. Once you do that, they should appear.
Caethas Turan
They're there automatically. Just need to look for them, I found mine some way back from the henchies, etc. (Wizard's Isle) I think it would be slightly different in different Halls ..
Plushie Penguin
go to HZH or cavalon to have your guild be "accepted" into one side, and the corrisponding sided npcs that allow you to transfer faction and go to the AB outposts will show up somewhere near where you spawn into the guild hall.