European English server community overall better than USA server's community?
I play European server and yes over month too and know plenty from game already at least in Canthan side (Finished entire game). Got nice amount characters in diffirent professions. Still I don't have yet faced groups who kick me if I'm not wanted build and nobody ask my build. I get every mission group with any class I wanted to play. Groups are mostly nice people and people know how to use trade channel most of time right. So it looks like it is not European server problem so much currently.
Silent Kitty
Have you finished the game with an Assassin and Mesmer? Those are the professions which are mostly rejected.
I agree with you. From what I have noticed, it isn't such a big problem amongst European players. No matter how difficult the mission is, pugs will accept every level and every profession. They often play without a tank and a healer, and afterwards all call each other noob and form a new party
I agree with you. From what I have noticed, it isn't such a big problem amongst European players. No matter how difficult the mission is, pugs will accept every level and every profession. They often play without a tank and a healer, and afterwards all call each other noob and form a new party

Like this good one in european server. "Skip replay, please". Overall nicer players in many situations.
Moa Bird Cultist
Finished the game with an Assassin, no trouble. As for mesmers, they aren't actually 'rejected' all that often - most people know having a mesmer on your team can greatly shift the favour of a fight in your balance. In reality, I find it is actually warriors who find ir hardest to get a team, simply because there are so many, (I've got 3 warriors myself - a W/R, a W/E and a W/N
But yeah, generally, people on the euro servers are very polite, trade spam in local chat is uncommon and it's not dilficult to get a group anywhere, regardless of your profession. I like it here
But yeah, generally, people on the euro servers are very polite, trade spam in local chat is uncommon and it's not dilficult to get a group anywhere, regardless of your profession. I like it here

I have been starting to consider the use of the english internation district. The problem is, it is frequently empty at the times I bother to look in on it.
Lord Cooper
at the risk of being offensive i have found that the few times i have ventured onto the american servers they have been filled with arrogant spoilt abusive brats hence why i have absolutely no intention of going back there. the european servers just seem friendlier and more welcoming.
just my opinion
just my opinion

Hard to deny the truth. Considering moving over there myself, the community here just gets worse and worse.
We do have our share of people who seem to be lacking in basic manners and decency but overall I think the English districts are pretty good. I have one account on the american servers so I can play it if the euro side goes down again and find it to be a little more aggressive.
Come along to the English district, the more the merrier
Come along to the English district, the more the merrier
Sir Mad
Well I don't know how bad players are in American servers, nor wether they're worse of not than English players, but we gotta be honest and admit there is also a damn lot of trash-talkers in Europe...
Tark Alkerk
i find in Pvp alot
that there many american guilds who act like right jerks, accuse you of using hacks(thats a good one), that sort of stuff.
that there many american guilds who act like right jerks, accuse you of using hacks(thats a good one), that sort of stuff.
Originally Posted by Sir Mad
we gotta be honest and admit there is also a damn lot of trash-talkers in Europe...
Last thing we need is this becoming a flamewar.
Numa Pompilius
I don't know... A couple of months ago I'd have said that yes the EU servers are more laid back but now... I don't know. Especially in Cantha there is no activity in the ALL channel _at all_ except WTS/WTB and simulated sex acts. It's a lot better in Tyria, but even there the tradespam and "i suk u lolz" is pretty common.
Well from the complaints people make here about how there are so many insulting, childish, flaming people, and that fact that I never see any of this, I always presumed it can't be very nice on the American servers. We also get American players in ToA because of how much we had favour - they changed their account - and they remarked how much nicer it was in Europe, and that he would stay. I think he got a bit lucky with the first group he was in. But honestly, I haven't been on the American servers so I don't know.

Safer Saviour
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
As there is in every server. But lets not generalize and try to not make directly comments like that.
Last thing we need is this becoming a flamewar. |
As for the main topic here, I do find that going on the American servers is stressful, people there are very picky when it comes to group and usually follow the exact same tactics when it comes to missions picky the same people with the same builds every time. In Europe, people are willing to try with more varied groups and that's more fun I think because it forced everyone to thing tactically. In addition, there's less of a rush to do things in Europe, the people on the German and English (the most active) tend to be polite and 'noob' isn't thrown around as often as it is in the US servers, often, when a group fails, they'll go straight back in and try again, probably making a change or two in tactics and coming out more than sucessful. The group I did Thirsty River with the other day were really great, very organised and efficient, as was the group we beat Glint with. Took me ages to find Americans able to do that with me.
Electric Sky
Originally Posted by Sir Mad
but we gotta be honest and admit there is also a damn lot of trash-talkers in Europe...
I've consdered changing to Europe - mainly beacuase they "own" HOH most of the time and I really want to earn my FoW armor. Is it 5 times you have to chance servers?
Sir Mad
Originally Posted by Safer Saviour
Cheers, his racist comment got me riled up but yours calmed me down and stopped be going on a silly rant about it.
As for the main topic here, I do find that going on the American servers is stressful, people there are very picky when it comes to group and usually follow the exact same tactics when it comes to missions picky the same people with the same builds every time. In Europe, people are willing to try with more varied groups and that's more fun I think because it forced everyone to thing tactically. In addition, there's less of a rush to do things in Europe, the people on the German and English (the most active) tend to be polite and 'noob' isn't thrown around as often as it is in the US servers, often, when a group fails, they'll go straight back in and try again, probably making a change or two in tactics and coming out more than sucessful. The group I did Thirsty River with the other day were really great, very organised and efficient, as was the group we beat Glint with. Took me ages to find Americans able to do that with me. |
As there is in every server. But lets not generalize and try to not make directly comments like that. Last thing we need is this becoming a flamewar. |
Yes 5 times.
I happen to know the german community is also good...not that I frequently visit it...But nice people too.
I happen to know the german community is also good...not that I frequently visit it...But nice people too.
Electric Sky
Originally Posted by
Yes 5 times.
I happen to know the german community is also good...not that I frequently visit it...But nice people too. |

I have a few accounts, one in the States and one in Europe
, and there definately are differences between the two regions. I'll use FOW chest runs as an example. It seems in Europe that people go out of their way more often to rez fallen team members from difficult spots, de-hex them, throwing a 'shields up' around a chest for others after having picked up their drop, luring mobs, etc. So much so that members of States FOW chest runs comment, 'OMG, a team that rezzes', at least the ones that I've been on.
I think Europeans are also willing to group with whatever class is available as the population in towns/outposts is less; makes for interesting quests.

Death Heavens
Im locked in Europe since I used all of my changes.. and im loving it. moved there for my current guild to play w/them, besides it does not hurt to have favor 95% of the time
. People are a lot friendlier and I find a lot less 9 year olds there
I love it!!!

American servers have only one advantage and that is English-only districts. Really shame that Europe has been divided.

Amity and Truth
Naaaah, the community in Europe isn't any better.
It's however highly dependent on the time when and WHEN you play. For example, if there is holiday season in germany (i'm german) then you're bound to experience hell come true in every german district because every single spoiled brat will suddenly have the time to play for all they like.
The best times to play and then the atmosphere can be quite friendly is when most of europe is asleep and there is no major holiday. Then the community is quite friendly and allright but once one of the above conditions occurs, it's a nightmare.
It's however highly dependent on the time when and WHEN you play. For example, if there is holiday season in germany (i'm german) then you're bound to experience hell come true in every german district because every single spoiled brat will suddenly have the time to play for all they like.
The best times to play and then the atmosphere can be quite friendly is when most of europe is asleep and there is no major holiday. Then the community is quite friendly and allright but once one of the above conditions occurs, it's a nightmare.
Originally Posted by Amity and Truth
The best times to play and then the atmosphere can be quite friendly is when most of europe is asleep and there is no major holiday.
Good point about the times - here in the US it is "summer vacation" for the kiddies. Once school starts again, and they have homework, school nights etc - it will probably get a tad more "mature"
I've been in both..And I think European is beter.
I'm French, in French servers. There are trashtalkers, but if you are polite and kind you will generally never have trash talk. I go often when I don't find enough people for old missions in Tyria in English districts. People is generally also kind and polite.
As for build selection: there is a lot less people I think on each "State" Server (English, German, French, Italian...). PUGing is generally not difficult, but there are not so many people, and we can't afford to kick like this people or to "select" harshly the characters you want. For the build selection, there is also no selection, because most of Missions can be done with poor builds, if people follow the basics (aggro, targetting). On Hard Missions like THK you will find selection, though.
As for build selection: there is a lot less people I think on each "State" Server (English, German, French, Italian...). PUGing is generally not difficult, but there are not so many people, and we can't afford to kick like this people or to "select" harshly the characters you want. For the build selection, there is also no selection, because most of Missions can be done with poor builds, if people follow the basics (aggro, targetting). On Hard Missions like THK you will find selection, though.