Fourth Lore Project: Elona



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006



This is my theory. ive placed the battles islands at multiple place cause i didnt rly knew where to place them. the more logical one tho are the one southern of canthan and the one between the 3 continent.

Angel Netherborn

Angel Netherborn

Krytan Explorer

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Lower Ward, Sigil

Goda Vos

I do think that Cantha is likely more "L" shaped. We have to remember that the Jade Sea used to be uh... a sea, so water, which means the eastern and southern ends of Cantha are actually large peninsulas. The area of the Jade Sea is also likely dotted with many small islands. And the whole of Cantha has to be further south than Elona. It can't be on the same horizontal simply because the weather in Elona appears much warmer than Cantha.

Ethan Redir

Ethan Redir

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006



Saleh No.1

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005



Jataro Musagi in Kodlonu Hamlet says that Cantha is South West of Elona so that map is wrong.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2005


Obsolete, rather. Be nice...

It is worth mentioning that he could have been referring specifically to the relative positions of Shing Jea and Istan rather than Elona and Cantha, but either way it appears that Cantha should at least be further south, and possibly further east, than its current position on the map.

Something that just struck me: Has anyone ever tried to find a way to measure the relative sizes of each continent? Say, by finding a pair of landmarks on each map that can be travelled from one to the other by following a straight line, and counting the footsteps required to do so on each map to find out how many steps a certain distance on the map represents?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Don't forget this in the GW: NF Manual about the Corsairs.

"Between the Northwest coast of Cantha and the southern rim of Elona, a deadly sea is troubled by sudden storms and cyclones, hidden reefs, and dangerous sea creatures. These waters were once navigated by Luxon raiders from Cantha, and to this day, brigands from many cultures search for secret coves hidden by these deadly waters."



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007


ok a couple of things

"Between the Northwest coast of Cantha and the southern rim of Elona, a deadly sea is troubled by sudden storms and cyclones, hidden reefs, and dangerous sea creatures. These waters were once navigated by Luxon raiders from Cantha, and to this day, brigands from many cultures search for secret coves hidden by these deadly waters."

io think the caves and what not there talking about here are the battle islands or close by them for many of reasons
i have read in different places from books from guildwars and such the battle islands are somewhere northish

if you look at my map i have put to areas ina a orangish color that could be the battle islands(not bothe areas just one or the other)

anothing is i think far north of shve peaks is the north pole of the guild wars world and far below is a south pole both covered in a icy way

which is a duh i know

another thing is about that mountain everyone calls everest i think its some where west of cantha

the red line i have drawn is becuz i could not decide where to stop about i think its not as big as i thought you can decide

the black line that goes left to right i think is the middle point of the world
or equater(or whatever0

last there cant just be to huge pieces of land so how many more area are there?

if you look at my map below you will try to see what i am talking about

sorry about poor art work

i dont know how to attach a pic i tried the best way i know how as a attchment

Saleh No.1

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005



Therangereminem, Cantha should be more to the west than where you and many others think it is and that Mount Everest that people are seeing is not South-west of Istan its North-west.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007


"Between the Northwest coast of Cantha and the southern rim of Elona, a deadly sea is troubled by sudden storms and cyclones, hidden reefs, and dangerous sea creatures. These waters were once navigated by Luxon raiders from Cantha, and to this day, brigands from many cultures search for secret coves hidden by these deadly waters."

that is found in the nightfall book with that it meanscantha cant be mor west and about the mountain thats just was a thought its hard to find where that could be on the map or least i could not find very mch about a ecect loction

Saleh No.1

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005



But that would contradict with what Jataro Musagi in Kodlonu Hamlet says.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007


where do you see that i cant find that anywhere



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


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Jataro Musagi contradicts what EVERYTHING ELSE says...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by FireFox
Jataro Musagi contradicts what EVERYTHING ELSE says...
No he doesn't. It's what people take that phrase in the Nightfall manual to mean that contradicts everything else. People seem to think that 'Between the Northwest coast of Cantha and the southern rim of Elona, a deadly sea' situates Cantha southeast of Elona, which is entirely wrong. Jatoro Musagi, Jiaju Tai in Lion's Arch, the Factions manual and the Canthan Ambassador in the guild halls all point to Cantha being southwest of Elona.

Here's a diagram I posted before about that phrase in the NF manual:

(not to scale - the distance between Elona and Cantha is probably a lot greater, so these 'deadly seas' would cover a much larger area)

The red line goes from 'the southern rim of Elona' to 'the northwest coast of Cantha', and the 'deadly seas' are between those two points. So, I think that sentence just means 'from this corner to this corner'.

I'm starting to wonder how many times I'll have to post this for people to stop saying this nonsense.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

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Originally Posted by Eldin
Here's my speculation on the world map.

Getting there? Boat travel is most likely. However, the Nightfall Cinematic shows the Emperor of Cantha at the docks, and, as Prophecies characters cannot access Cantha, and each chapter is stand-alone, this is what I think.

Tyrians: Meet with Turai Ossa. He takes us on a trip or through a portal to visit "his peoples' homeland".

Canthans: The Emperor of Cantha goes to visit a foreign friend of his in Elona, or on diplomatic matters. You tag along.
I think in this picture where the question mark is is where the Charrs are



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007

A Famous Small Town in PA

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I don't know that that issue is really the question mark on that map - the northern wall was the boundary b/t ascalon and charr territory and that was clearly on the first map.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Ethan Redir
This looks right to me. I mean if it's on the official GW site, how can it be wrong?

Sajuuk Khar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007

heres what i think the map truly look like

Il Silent Earth Il

Pre-Searing Cadet

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International House Of PvP


Hey. first of all, I'm new to GW Guru so if anyone has any tips, I'm open to suggestions.

Anyway, I've been keepin an eye on this thread for a while. Since a little before the Nightfall preview event I think. I've seen a lot of interesting concepts of what the Guild Wars world looks like, so I decided to make up my own just for fun.

The only thing any of the map is based off of is the recent issue of PCGamer which had an artical about Guild Wars: Eye of The North and Guild Wars 2.

I got the image of Tyria, Cantha, and Elona from

I made them smaller than in previous concepts because judging by how long it takes to cross a continant in game (regardless of being stopped by enemies), they're pretty small.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Positive and negative feedback is appreciated.

Onarik Amrak

Onarik Amrak

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Originally Posted by Ethan Redir
I just noticed that link. Pretty cool, but Battle Isles is obviously not to scale!


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

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Originally Posted by Mournblade
Boat travel does seem to be the way of it, but an overland route sure would be nice... maybe another oasis like Amnoon along the path...

Margonites sure sound like possible hooks for later expansions.
Probably been mentioned before, but maybe not since its so secluded. I would like to point out that there is an overland route... of a sort. Head as far south as possible in the Arid Sea, and just south west of the toppled statue. there is a forgotten one next to a teleport that sends you to the north western most part of the crystal overlook.

Blauwe Tomaat

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2007


Originally Posted by Ethan Redir
I think this is the best official source we have of the relative position of the continents. Note cantha being at the same latitude as Elona. This seems more logical, scince Cantha apparently started trading with Tyria first(in fact trade with tyria is the only one named in the manual).


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2007

I think thats how it really looks like:

***Sry, just noticed, someone found that before me....***