The title of the thread is NOT meant to sound like a tabloid newspaper title, even though it does. No, I have not get a Bulwark, if that's what you think this is about.
The necromancer (moi) is meant to be saying "Oh, you weren't finished with this?"
Have fun
EDIT: I just realised that the title makes NO SENCE AT ALL! *maniacal laughter* ... There's meant to be a "get" somewhere in the sentence. Somewhere.
Benefits that Necromacers from Pet Barrage
Unlucky Slayer
Very nice. Cant wait to see more work.
Too bad you're other thread was caught in the cleaning.
Too bad you're other thread was caught in the cleaning.
I pwnd U
lol that is great!
So that's where Snuggles went...
Lol that's funny.
Originally Posted by xiaotsu
So that's where Snuggles went...
Oh no! You figured it out!
Thanks everyone for your comments ^o^
Thanks everyone for your comments ^o^
Hidden in the Mist
What happened to those drawings you said you were going to scan...