New Emotes
Is anyone besides me getting tired of the same old emotions ALL the time? Well, I thought it would be nice to have some new ones. One that I REALLY think would be great is "The Worm". If anyone else feels this way and has any ideas for new emotes, please post them here, thank you.
Ephes Dammim
I'd like to see more emotes too. It would be pretty cool if you could target a specific person like
bob dances with fred type of thing
so and so is dancing with you..
bob dances with fred type of thing
so and so is dancing with you..
Kendar Muert
they need some atk emotes lol
Bob pokes freds eye
Bob scratches freds arm- fred bleeds profusely
Bob gives fred a black eye
Bob kicks fred in the stomach
and so on... Id love to see those flame wars lol.
Bob pokes freds eye
Bob scratches freds arm- fred bleeds profusely
Bob gives fred a black eye
Bob kicks fred in the stomach
and so on... Id love to see those flame wars lol.
Sounds fun but they'd probably stick this into CE content just like the CE dances. Would be fun though...
Emotes with purpose.
/Favor (shows favor)
/Attributes (text version of your attribs flashes in team chat)
/Skill (your skill bar is read out in team chat)
/Kill (player dies - sometimes we get stuck and cant move etc)
For amusement.
/Favor (shows favor)
/Attributes (text version of your attribs flashes in team chat)
/Skill (your skill bar is read out in team chat)
/Kill (player dies - sometimes we get stuck and cant move etc)
For amusement.
Ahh, /hug, I remember when I made a thread about that

Mars Dragonblade
I've thought about a /suicide one plenty of times lol
. You're the only party member left with nowhere to run away to from a huge mob of enemies... just /suicide
. A warrior with a katana equipped performs hari kari (sp?

How about:
/farm [hehe]
/*prof* dance [E.G /rangerdance, /warriordance
/farm [hehe]
/*prof* dance [E.G /rangerdance, /warriordance
Ventius Hozza
alls we need on these forums is a /flame emote.
now I would deffo sign that
ps, yeh i agree /sign
now I would deffo sign that

ps, yeh i agree /sign
a /sign emote? :P
Originally Posted by Seissor
/Kill (player dies - sometimes we get stuck and cant move etc)
I've seen some good ideas on here although suicide wasnt exactly what I had in mind. I'm still thinking of ideas for new emotions. Maybe a handstand emote, or a spin emote. Anyway, keep the ideas coming!