Hi, I've been using to same combo as assassin almost forever in alliance battles, but recently i found it didnt work because moebius strike doesnt recharge ANYTHING anymore sometimes.
im using the combo siphon speed - black lotus strike - HotO- spider - death blossom - moebius and then restart with a second hoto, but around 2 days ago or so i found out that sometimes when i use moebius on a <50% health enemy, my attack skills doesnt recharge. does anyone else have this, and is it/is it not a bug?
thanks for reading
Moebius Strike bugged?
Silethas Celalith
If you're experiencing problems with a skill not functioning properly, the best way to get it fixed is to submit a bug report to ArenaNet.
To do this, go to http://www.guildwars.com/support
From there, click the "Ask a Question" button. You may have to click on another question in their knonwledge base before you see it.
To do this, go to http://www.guildwars.com/support
From there, click the "Ask a Question" button. You may have to click on another question in their knonwledge base before you see it.
chicks boy
ohhhhhhhh so i was right!! it was a bug!! i hit mobieus strike at a 25% enemy health and none of my attack skills were recharged ....