fem. Warrior Style Question :P



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

near Hamburg, Germany

Irresistible Decay [sigh]


Ive got a female Warrior with a Glads 15k armor atm ( dyed blue)

But I am farming for a FoW Armor for her ( just got 30 shards / 23 ectos )

So what is looking best for a full FoW Armor, what colour should it be, and of course:

What weapon should I take to get the best look?
Im not a sword-warrior, I use axes! Atm I use Wings Axe how crappy!
Im not a fan of Chaos Axes, so forget it, and of course what shield I should use ( atm exhalted Aegis and the collecters 45/-2 stance shield), Im not a "rich" person, so dont suggest to get a 45/-2 Magma Shield.........
Do you would wait for Chapter 3 to see what skins there will be?


Elendhor ( sry for the crappy english :P)

Ulivious The Reaper

Ulivious The Reaper

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Shadowed Assassins


Wings axe isn't crappy, dye the colector sheild black, and get a gothic axe :P



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


N/A and proud of it!


Gothic, Gothic, Gothic

I'd say Gothic sword would look the best, but since you don't use, the axe will do nicely. Magma Shield in my eyes are just plain ugly, no sense of style.

I don't think I've ever seen warrior FoW dyed anything but black, you can attempt to mess around with the colour, just be sure to have dye remover on hand.

Obviously what ever you dye the armor you should match the collectors sheild too.

As for dye colours I'd suggest a purple+silver+purple(favourite colour)
But if you more into blue maybe blue+purple+blue to keep with the natural dark tones of the armor. (notice I didn't prescribe any black mixtures since your on a budget)

Hope this gives you some good ideas.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

[L] [GET]

"As for dye colours I'd suggest a purple+silver+purple(favourite colour)"

I use purple and silver a lot. So what does that combination come out looking like? And do you use it for everything or just certain things?

And yes I'd say gothic as well.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

near Hamburg, Germany

Irresistible Decay [sigh]

thx a lot :P

I really like the idea to dye the shield black and.... well, Gothix Axe looks good, but I still think Gothic Sword looks better, but in game sword isnt such effective as axe imo....
But, in fact that the FoW Armor is naturally really black, I wouldnt extra dye it, or?
I'm not that poor as you maybe think, doing 15k+ a day ( not much, but its enough)...

So I probably have to get a +15%^50% axe with 3/-1 Vampiric and health30 mod -.- oh no....

Would you buy another shield, just for the skin?
Shadowshield and Magmaa are the shields that are in my mind, but they both suck, and every shield else ( amber, aegis, woodenbuckler etc.) are that ugly o_O.

Again: Thanks a lot^^

What do you think about that colour mix, its blue-green:

Ulivious The Reaper

Ulivious The Reaper

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Shadowed Assassins


Hmm, just go with the CCS and dye it black, i can get a pic if you'd like, but seeing moneys not an object go with the 15^50 gothic axe or get ironclaw, lol

Edit: heres a CCS and Fellblade dyed black



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

well FoW armour silver looks good, you keep the black bits black and the rest is Silver (except the blac tips of the armour) its cheap, and really good even if you only use it as a trial period while you save up for black or something.

as you already have some silver bits, the blend of silver and black only is really nice, for me i don't really like it as anything else but black and Silver as it adds a third colour and im yet to see a really nice one, not to mention it only covers smaller sections of the armour.