Defend North Kryta

Hunter Freeman

Hunter Freeman

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Middle of Nowhere


Why does it seem like no one is doing this quest anymore, I can never get a group. It, and the final titan quest are the only two Tyrian quests I have left, and I'd love to just get them done, but I can never get a group for DNKP.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

this question is almost impossible to answer but i'd hazard a guess that elite missions, alliance battles are more fun and people don't want to do quests, for me i get sick of bog standard quests the second i reach level 20, still do primaries of course though and i'll help others with em but i never go out of my way to do a quest, thing is its basically just an exp reward...