I was thinking of 4 new skills for elementalists, the ability to create elementals of a chosen element.
I was thinking of a cost of 20 mana 3 second casting and 45 recharge.
Probably they would be elite skills and you could only maintain one elemental at time. They would follow the same rulles as the minnons accept they are not undead but elemental.
Fire Elemental:
Fire Magic
Whenever Fire Elemental attacks a foe that foe is set on fire for 1..3 seconds.
Earth Elemental:
Earth Magic
Whenever Earth Elemental attacks a foe that foe is blinded for 3..9 seconds.
Air Elemental:
Air Magic
Air Elemental attacks have 25% armor penetration.
Water Elemental:
Water Magic
Whenever Water Elemental attacks a foe causes target foe to move 66% slower for 2...5 seconds.
The effects of elementals can be changed or even removed/lowerd if the elementals wont be elite spells.
New Skills: Fire/Earth/Air/Water Elemenatals
I think this type of thing is best left to a conjurer class. That and these skills aren't well balanced. And the effects don't even follow the normal type of effects the spell lines do. Never heard of an earth spell that blinded someone.
Originally Posted by NinjaKai
I think this type of thing is best left to a conjurer class. That and these skills aren't well balanced. And the effects don't even follow the normal type of effects the spell lines do. Never heard of an earth spell that blinded someone.
Ash Blast (some name like that): Blinds KDed foes.
So there are earth spells that blind people.
And I do think elementals would be cool. We'll have to see. I'd like to be able to summon a titan. >.>
It just an idea, ideas can be developed further to be balanced.
It just an idea, ideas can be developed further to be balanced.
Definitely <3 the concept! I agree though with NinjaKai that it's best left to another class. Would love to see the implementation, though

Right, like this hasn't been brought up before. But I guess it is true that the search button never works, so you're excused.
There was actually a pretty well developed concept for this a while back, but I don't know where it's gotten to. And I'm too lazy to look...
The problem with leaving this to another, dedicated summoner or conjuror class, is that there are four skills. Maybe if you really tried you could come up with a few more, but a pure summoner is going to be a piece of shit unless you can flesh it out.
There was actually a pretty well developed concept for this a while back, but I don't know where it's gotten to. And I'm too lazy to look...
The problem with leaving this to another, dedicated summoner or conjuror class, is that there are four skills. Maybe if you really tried you could come up with a few more, but a pure summoner is going to be a piece of shit unless you can flesh it out.
master koa
It all looks nice, exept for the Fire Elemental....... that should be constant burning until it dies, a real warrior owner. 

leon fire storm
i aggre totally but where would we get it and would it be elite?
[/quote]Probably they would be elite skills and you could only maintain one elemental at time.[quote]