Lord Timot nerver a * spot


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Hey all,
four times in a row went to kill LORD TIMOT but he is nerver there, is star showing is location show me the way but wen there there is no one... The only time a saw him its wen a'm trying to kill is man... after dat nothing... Its a bug but how do i get my Quest???

SirCroMa alias Sir BoogieMan



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

hmm sometimes he is quite far back in that little area, did you go all the way to the back? try abandoning the quest and retaking it if there is any chance there is a glitch, then just keep going to him until he appears (or if he has been appearing but you didn't go all the way).

He'll be there ready for you to kill him...but then again he's a zombie so...meh

Good Luck!



Purveyor of Useless Info

Join Date: Oct 2005

Perpetual Motion Squad [PMS]


There has always been an issue with this quest. As you are engaged in combat with Executioners or the sort, he starts a journey of his own through the aggro towards the beachy area. He does disappear from time to time after leaving your radar FOV.

Here is my advice, and this is the way I always complete this quest. Clear the entire area outside of Lord Timot's nook prior to speaking with the NPC at the warp. Do not engage anything within the swampy area until everything outside is clear. That way, if he wanders off, you have a clear path to him, lessening his chances of vanishing into thin air. Either that or just make a beeline straight for him all guns blazing and take him out first.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


If you die while killing the executioners, he starts his march to Gates of Kryta. While you are resing and trying to make your way back he will likely enter the town and you can't finish the quest

I recommend leaving from gates of kryta. Clear out all the mergoyle on the way so that if you do die you can run to him with little interruption.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Ty shadow39365 and ty to you to Loralai...

I restarted the Quest fort the 6th time AND finaly made it HIHA. heheheh...there is realy a bug in this area!!!



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Yeah start from the Gate of Kryta that is how I did it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Ty Cherno I did it like this on my own.... got out of there with +10%


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


»run back at Bergen Sources and took level12 comp player