Originally Posted by Skids
Skids McZebbedie got up from his crudely errected sun lounger and scratched his sacks. The fungus was obviously returning he thought to himself.
Turning to gaze upon the 3 girls laying worn out on the ground at his feet he chanced to see that his computer screen was flashing. "Ahha" he muttered; "another Guru post for me to reply to". Careful not to tread on the girls - especially the Necromancer who was a bit of a grump when woken, he made his way to the keyboard and a half empty keg of Rice Wine. Having sated his thirst, passed wind and had another blessed scratch he sat at the desk and clicked the mouse.....nothing happened! "Not again" he thought. "I'd hoped that Damned Cleric had fixed the ruddy thing last time for good...wait till I get a hold of him". Grabbing for the telephone Skids suddenly realised to his disgust that this was all a huge pile of crock and he had work to do before his boss came back. "Odds bodkins and begad me follicles" Skids shouted, reached over his shoulder and with a deft motion born of countless battles he cleanched the haft of his longsword, withdrew it from its scabbard and swung it at the monitor. The sword cut a blurry scythe through the screen, resulting in sparks of electricity and shards of glass being thrown about. "Aye - that'll do nicely" Skid's thought, and walked off to the coffee machine. |
It hoped that he realised that it was only a coffee machine and was incapable of more than heating up water and letting the condensed steam, upon cooling, drip over the ground coffee.
((In other words, I feel sorry for the monitor and hope the coffee machine does not suffer the same fate ))