Im making a new character, either a mesmer, necro, ele, or ritualist.
Im not sure what weapons each use, staffs, wands? and what would go where the warrior normmally has a shield? (ive only ever played with a warrior)
Second question is which has the best skills and is the most fun to play and why? (just need a few opinions)
PS: this is for factions btw.
Two questions about magic proffession.
Reine Stormshroud
Any profession can use any weapon, really. Like Monks are known to use swords, because, most of the time the requirement of the warrior attribute does not matter in the given case, (Like a +30 Health mod, or +5 energy). But, for the most part, Spellcasters use staffs and wands/offhands. They really don't make much a difference, its just the way you prefer things. You'll discover what you like once you get in game and start getting some nice items and such :]
Good luck.
Good luck.
ok thanks for the reply. got one more question, out of all the ele's magic, whats the best to focus on? fire, water, wind etc. Because they all have advanatges and disadvantages.
Originally Posted by Reine Stormshroud
Any profession can use any weapon, really. Like Monks are known to use swords, because, most of the time the requirement of the warrior attribute does not matter in the given case, (Like a +30 Health mod, or +5 energy). But, for the most part, Spellcasters use staffs and wands/offhands. They really don't make much a difference, its just the way you prefer things. You'll discover what you like once you get in game and start getting some nice items and such :]
Good luck. |
@tomanders91: Is this for PvE or PvP? Air is PvP, fire is generally decent for PvE, as long as you don't use a ton of AoE spells, since they make the enemies move out of the way and the spells miss.
this is for PvE mainly.
Plushie Penguin
he ment the hand you would hold a wand, staff, axe or sword with. A perfect sword of fortitude with +5 energy is better then some of the wands out there.