Just an idea I had recently
Id like to see the storage system updated so that you are allotted a 20 space storage “box” for every 4 characters you have.
My thinking behind this:
If you buy a stand alone chapter and do not link any other chapter to it and you do not buy any additional character slots, these four characters are given one storage account of 20 spaces to share.
Personally, I have now linked prophesies and Factions.
In addition I have purchased two additional character slots.
These 8 characters are now sharing the same original 20 apace storage box.
If I had left Prophesies and Factions unlinked my 8 characters would be using two storage boxes equal to 40 storage spaces.
I would think this could be accomplished similar to the tab now in use for the crafting materials area of our storage box. You have a “items” tab for every 4 characters you have tab1, tab 2, etc – however all characters have access to all storage. It seems fair to me.
This is not asking for any more than these characters are entitled too
1 storage tab per 4 charatcer slots owned