Charming Spiders
According to Spiders are "Core" meaning they can be found in both Prophecies and Factions....
According to the site, they are found in the underworld through the "closer to the stars" mission.
I want one, I only have Factions, but when I ask around in general and in my guild no one knows anything about spiders being in Factions. Any help would be great.
According to the site, they are found in the underworld through the "closer to the stars" mission.
I want one, I only have Factions, but when I ask around in general and in my guild no one knows anything about spiders being in Factions. Any help would be great.
You can access the Underworld from Zin Ku (spelling).
Quite right, thx poster below.
Quite right, thx poster below.
Go to UW in factions.
You can access UW in Zin Ku Corridor outpost in Factions.
can someone elaborate on what UW is? and also verify the spiders existance in Factions. thank you
UW = underworld, look around in Zin Ku for the statutes. Kneel in front of Balthazar.
The Underworld (abbreviated UW) is a high-level area only accessable through the statues of Grenth in the Temple of the Ages in Tyria or in Zin Ku Corridor in Cantha. A 1 platinum fee is taken from the person that speaks (by first doing /kneel) to the Voice of Grenth. There are no ressurection shrines in either the Underworld or the Fissure of Woe, so if everyone dies, the party goes back to where they started from. There are normal chests in the both areas, as well as special reward chests that dont need a key. These chests only drop one item, with a possibility that the treasure could be an uncommon Crystalline Sword. The main sought-after drop in the UW is a "Glob of Ectoplasm," used along with Obsidian Shards, are two special crafting materials used to make armor only crafted in the Fissure of Woe.
Getting back to the main point, there are quests in the UW that have tamable spiders as "rewards", just like crabs or tigers. Since the UW can be accessed in both factions and prophecies, there ARE spiders in Factions.
Getting back to the main point, there are quests in the UW that have tamable spiders as "rewards", just like crabs or tigers. Since the UW can be accessed in both factions and prophecies, there ARE spiders in Factions.
Originally Posted by Irongate
UW = underworld, look around in Zin Ku for the statutes. Kneel in front of Balthazar.

Good luck with getting your spider, watch that your monks aren't 55 monks (not sure if that's popular in factions), and see if you can get into a group who've been to UW before and can guid you with what quests to take/not to take and when to take them.
yea he meant Voice of Grenth statue to kneel in front of in Zin Ku Corridor. that one takes you to the UW that is also in ToA in Prophacies...
The Spider can be found after a few quests in the village area to the West.

Full UW map Mirrored.
The Spider can be found after a few quests in the village area to the West.

Full UW map Mirrored.
I actually find the spirit from the ice wastes to be easier and quicker to get than the one in forgotten vale.
Arwen Shiningstar
I help people in Factions and Prophecies charm spiders all the time. We charge 25K and it takes about 25 mins. We always pay to access the underworld. PM me in game if you want to go do it. IGN Arwen Shiningstar or X Sable X. You can also Pm my partner Deacon Roswell or Drake Roswell. See our ad in the services section for more information on our service
Scavenger Rage
If you want a cheaper and faster one...
I am used to doin spider runs every evening....we take aprox. 15 - 16min. We charge for 20K + DROPS.
Just PM if u need any aid. Alternatively, you can wait till i go UW whith my guild group...sometimes we go down there to give XP to the ones who need, in that case we would be down there completing quests and all and you get your spider out of one of them...
I am used to doin spider runs every evening....we take aprox. 15 - 16min. We charge for 20K + DROPS.
Just PM if u need any aid. Alternatively, you can wait till i go UW whith my guild group...sometimes we go down there to give XP to the ones who need, in that case we would be down there completing quests and all and you get your spider out of one of them...
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Cherno
I actually find the spirit from the ice wastes to be easier and quicker to get than the one in forgotten vale.
The Ice Wastes quest is one of the hardest quests you can take in the UW...The Terrorwebs spawned by that quest can easily overwhelm you.
Timmy Shinobi
Can an SS and 55 do a spider run for a ranger?
Arwen Shiningstar
SS and 55 set up is ideal. I am not going to post a cheaper price on here because the experience of doing as many runs as we have makes it worth it. When we go there is just 2 of us and the ranger. It actually easier with just the 3 ppl because we can coordinate better with less. We have done 100+ runs and have access to both ToA and Zin Ku.
Originally Posted by thecagekeeper
can someone elaborate on what UW is? and also verify the spiders existance in Factions. thank you
UW is extremely hard, especially so for first-timers. It can be brutal. You will probably have to pay the entry fee many many times. Your first time, if you don't go with an experienced party, you could literally die within 10 seconds.
One of the first monsters you will face are undead minotaurs. THEY HIT HARD! You will need good monks and warriors.
Go with an experienced group, or read up about UW a lot before you go.
Edit: oopsie, the minotaurs are demons not undead. They are called Aatxes, FYI.
Originally Posted by thecagekeeper
can someone elaborate on what UW is? and also verify the spiders existance in Factions. thank you
and yes spiders exist, just join any b/p group and u'll see alot of them, how's that for the proof

edit: carinae, minotaurs arent undead, they're demons, and thats why demonslaying mods r nice for uw
Arwen Shiningstar
Good monks and warriors I love it!! In UW the 55 monk and SS necro rule! You can do alot of stuff down there with just 2 of you. Leave the tanks in FOW. If you want to play in the underworld and cap a spider a 55 and SS team FTW!!!!! Trappers work good too but they dont have the speed that the 55 and SS have.
gabrial heart
Everytime you restore a monument (7 total) you get a charmable spider that spawns. I've gone down many ways, 2 man- 8 man teams. Typically common among all of the teams for UW includes a 55 and a spiteful spirit necro. Tanks can be used, but against the aataxes prot spirt is a must. Even for fairly experienced teams, UW and FOW are the leets of elites and can take up to 7 hours to complete all the quests. UW has extremely high damage (250+ aataxes, spiking squiddies) dealers/e-drainers/various conditions. FOW the abyssals (around 100 dmg) tend to be the highest damage dealers, but equipt with healers (or self healing type skills) FOW has a bit more duration.
Both cost a plat to get in, both require your local nation to have favor, each have chests with appropriate keys sold at the merchants, both are accessable from either chapter, both drop the highest costing rare crafting materials (obsidian shards for FOW and Globs of Ectoplasm for UW), both drop gems (ruby or sapphires at a very low rate). A successful run requires one high value drop to cover the cost. Each have thier own theme, grenth's disciples for UW and Balths for FOW. Unique to FOW is an armor crafter that requires both globs and shards (around 150 of each for a ful set) as well as various common crafting materials to craft arguable better looking-leet armor, no leet stats though.
Both cost a plat to get in, both require your local nation to have favor, each have chests with appropriate keys sold at the merchants, both are accessable from either chapter, both drop the highest costing rare crafting materials (obsidian shards for FOW and Globs of Ectoplasm for UW), both drop gems (ruby or sapphires at a very low rate). A successful run requires one high value drop to cover the cost. Each have thier own theme, grenth's disciples for UW and Balths for FOW. Unique to FOW is an armor crafter that requires both globs and shards (around 150 of each for a ful set) as well as various common crafting materials to craft arguable better looking-leet armor, no leet stats though.
Originally Posted by Arwen Shiningstar
Good monks and warriors I love it!! In UW the 55 monk and SS necro rule! You can do alot of stuff down there with just 2 of you. Leave the tanks in FOW. If you want to play in the underworld and cap a spider a 55 and SS team FTW!!!!! Trappers work good too but they dont have the speed that the 55 and SS have.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
All you have to do in FOrgotten Vale one is kill some lvl15 ghosts...and its easy for just a 55/SS duo to do it (though spider runs usually take different party for Times sake)
The Ice Wastes quest is one of the hardest quests you can take in the UW...The Terrorwebs spawned by that quest can easily overwhelm you. |
Caged Fury
Originally Posted by Cherno
Each to his own I guess, but I don't think the ice wastes quest is that hard. Not that the Wrathful Spirits is hard either, it is just that there is more of an element of lost control on that quest than on the Ice King. If those spirits die, which can happen pretty easily, game over.
Wow, wrathful spirits quest can actually fail? Guess you learn something new every day.
acidic artist
im bout 85-90% sure me and my necro buddy were the original UW duo to do spider runs. we charged 20k and u kept all drops for yourself. takes around 15-20 minutes. we would do anywhere from 8-11 runs per night. once we got the first handful of people thru they started to recommend us to their friends then soon we had constant PMs wantin runs. then people started gettin curious and staying within map range to say how and what we done to do certain parts. if they didnt figure it out, theyd PM me and ask how. of course i wouldnt tell. then within a couple weeks we'd see MANY 2 man duos doing runs. it took us only around 4-5 tries to do the WRAITHFUL SPIRIT quest to get a 2nd spider but we wouldnt let anyone tag along for the smite portion. heres some screenies to show its hard but highly possible. heres some nice screenies.