Teleporting to LOS
When I got home today, I decided to spend some time on my favorite character, in my favorite PVP area.
My Assassin loves to wait for those Rangers, or Elementalists to stand near the wall in Aspenwood at the first gate and surprise them. When they get on the wall and think "Here's an easy target", I pop in for a little surprise to let the Kurzicks know that the Luxon's aren't push-overs. <g>
I played five Aspenwood sessions, on the fourth session I found that I had downloaded something before going into the mission, and suddenly I couldn't teleport to LOS, to the top of the wall. I attempted to do the same thing on the fifth run, same result.
Was this an intentional change?!
If so, I fail to see the logic in an update like this. If someone can stand at a higher elevation and rain down an assult on those unsuspecting folks below them, why can't we use a skill built into the system to issue our own little surprise?!
It's a LOS (Line of Sight) issue, I can see them, the only thing that seperates us is elevation, not a barrier. If I can see them, and get within aggro-bubble range, why can't we get to them?
You put in teleportation spells in the game for Assassins, and you restrict their use if there's an elevation issue?!
It doesn't make a lot of sense.
My Assassin loves to wait for those Rangers, or Elementalists to stand near the wall in Aspenwood at the first gate and surprise them. When they get on the wall and think "Here's an easy target", I pop in for a little surprise to let the Kurzicks know that the Luxon's aren't push-overs. <g>
I played five Aspenwood sessions, on the fourth session I found that I had downloaded something before going into the mission, and suddenly I couldn't teleport to LOS, to the top of the wall. I attempted to do the same thing on the fifth run, same result.
Was this an intentional change?!
If so, I fail to see the logic in an update like this. If someone can stand at a higher elevation and rain down an assult on those unsuspecting folks below them, why can't we use a skill built into the system to issue our own little surprise?!
It's a LOS (Line of Sight) issue, I can see them, the only thing that seperates us is elevation, not a barrier. If I can see them, and get within aggro-bubble range, why can't we get to them?
You put in teleportation spells in the game for Assassins, and you restrict their use if there's an elevation issue?!
It doesn't make a lot of sense.
Former Ruling
They AREN'T Teleporting skills...Thats the thing...Its "Shadow Step" - it acts diffrently than the true teleporting skills like Consume Corpse
You can't Shadow Step to somewhere you couldn't walk to normally.
Like you cannot Shadow Step through Locked Gates and such.
You can't Shadow Step to somewhere you couldn't walk to normally.
Like you cannot Shadow Step through Locked Gates and such.
Since it's Arborstone, the Kurzicks probably just shut the gate again. Once the gate is down, you should be able to shadow step to that central raised area immediately.
Yop, kinda sucks for your plan of attack but what Former Ruling said makes sense. That's probably what Anet intended in the first place. Must think of another POA.
(My assassin loves to shadow step too.)
(My assassin loves to shadow step too.)
Shadow Step, to me is just a fancy word to call a teleport skill. You're still 'teleporting' or moving a distance between the original point, to the destination.
That being said, if you can shoot an arrow or a spell at someone that's within your LOS, why can't 'Shadow Stepping', or teleporting still work the same.
Again, the only difference is elevation. If there was a barrier, like a locked gate, I could completely understand and it would indeed make my point moot.
However that's not the case, gates one and two were always broken down, and I could easily run around if I wanted to and attack my target. But the whole purpose of 'Shadow Stepping' to a target was the immediate presence without having to move the entire distance to get there.
If they can see, and shoot me. Why can't I get to them by any definition we choose to use, to describe teleporting?!
That being said, if you can shoot an arrow or a spell at someone that's within your LOS, why can't 'Shadow Stepping', or teleporting still work the same.
Again, the only difference is elevation. If there was a barrier, like a locked gate, I could completely understand and it would indeed make my point moot.
However that's not the case, gates one and two were always broken down, and I could easily run around if I wanted to and attack my target. But the whole purpose of 'Shadow Stepping' to a target was the immediate presence without having to move the entire distance to get there.
If they can see, and shoot me. Why can't I get to them by any definition we choose to use, to describe teleporting?!
Trvth Jvstice
I agree, Shadow stepping should take warp you anywhere an enemy char is, even if there isn't an open path to that enemy. I suppose you could change your secondary to Necro and use necrotic Traversal to get there (of course someone would have to die up there first).
If necros can warp to an unopen area it seems only fair that an Assassin should be able to also.
If necros can warp to an unopen area it seems only fair that an Assassin should be able to also.
Originally Posted by Donavyn
Shadow Step, to me is just a fancy word to call a teleport skill. You're still 'teleporting' or moving a distance between the original point, to the destination.

Skyy High
One of the gates was probably put up when you weren't looking.
Shadow step= use the shadows to move unseen to target, step acctually means you are walking or running
Don't think of it as teleporting, think of it as running really really fast

Originally Posted by Donavyn
Shadow Step, to me is just a fancy word to call a teleport skill. You're still 'teleporting' or moving a distance between the original point, to the destination.
That being said, if you can shoot an arrow or a spell at someone that's within your LOS, why can't 'Shadow Stepping', or teleporting still work the same. Again, the only difference is elevation. If there was a barrier, like a locked gate, I could completely understand and it would indeed make my point moot. However that's not the case, gates one and two were always broken down, and I could easily run around if I wanted to and attack my target. But the whole purpose of 'Shadow Stepping' to a target was the immediate presence without having to move the entire distance to get there. If they can see, and shoot me. Why can't I get to them by any definition we choose to use, to describe teleporting?! |
> It's not a question of "which word do you like better"; the game defines
> teleporting and Shadow Stepping as two completely different things.
Would you be so kind as to direct me to the URL where that definition is clearly stated, please?! I'd like to see it if it exists.
Now I will say that there could have been a possibility that the second door somehow got closed when I 'Shadow Stepped', so I will have to go back in and evaluate it one more time.
Let's please not try and turn this into a 'splitting hairs' debate, I'd really like to know if it was a purposeful modificiation of what I was doing before, but can't do now. I'm also willing to say that the second door could have gotten sealed, causing me not to complete my 'Shadow Step' and I'll re-evaluate the issue. If that was the case I will be the first to conceed my original statement. =)
> teleporting and Shadow Stepping as two completely different things.
Would you be so kind as to direct me to the URL where that definition is clearly stated, please?! I'd like to see it if it exists.
Now I will say that there could have been a possibility that the second door somehow got closed when I 'Shadow Stepped', so I will have to go back in and evaluate it one more time.
Let's please not try and turn this into a 'splitting hairs' debate, I'd really like to know if it was a purposeful modificiation of what I was doing before, but can't do now. I'm also willing to say that the second door could have gotten sealed, causing me not to complete my 'Shadow Step' and I'll re-evaluate the issue. If that was the case I will be the first to conceed my original statement. =)
Originally Posted by Donavyn
Would you be so kind as to direct me to the URL where that definition is clearly stated, please?! I'd like to see it if it exists.
Shadow Stepping, on the other hand, requires you to be able to walk to your target normally. When you use a Shadow Stepping skill, the game checks to see if you would be able to walk there; if that check succeeds, then it moves you there.
Curse You
Here try this. It took me all of 1 minute to find.
It tells you all about it.
It tells you all about it.
Originally Posted by Curse You
Here try this. It took me all of 1 minute to find. It tells you all about it. |
Thanks for the resource URL, I should have known to check Wiki first! =)
However, in an effort not to beat a dead horse. I would like to submit the first sentence of the definition of 'Shadow Step' to collaborate my own definition:
"Used in Guild Wars Factions, shadow step refers to the the assassin's ability to teleport"
So in this regard, Shadow Stepping is a special name that ANet uses to call a 'Teleport' skill.
Back on the original subject though, I will test out the theory of the second door being closed and see if that was the issue. Thanks everyone for their responses, from both sides of the debate. =)
However, in an effort not to beat a dead horse. I would like to submit the first sentence of the definition of 'Shadow Step' to collaborate my own definition:
"Used in Guild Wars Factions, shadow step refers to the the assassin's ability to teleport"
So in this regard, Shadow Stepping is a special name that ANet uses to call a 'Teleport' skill.
Back on the original subject though, I will test out the theory of the second door being closed and see if that was the issue. Thanks everyone for their responses, from both sides of the debate. =)
Elevation differences are usually seperated by an unwalkable wok (walkmesh). Line of sight has nothing to do with shadow stepping.
It's interesting that you could do it only minutes before. Most likely an intentional change in the game.
It's interesting that you could do it only minutes before. Most likely an intentional change in the game.
Count to Potato
If i could teleport anywhere then it'd easier to get 100% canthan now wouldn"t it?