Hi Gaile.... have a nice trip and have fun.
As for Mr. Patrick.. when is he coming in?
Community Relations Team News - Welcome Andrew Patrick
Sir Skullcrasher
Bon voyage Gaile, j'espere que tu va revenir et nous apporté plein de bonne nouvelle, du genre AUCTION HOUSE et p-e un expension pour la tyrie.
Ventius Hozza
Have a good'n Gaile. And let's all welcome Paddy to the team!
Andrew Patrick
Hey everyone!
I was helping Gaile get everything squared away for her trip, but now that she is safely on her way to Europe, I thought I’d post and say hi. As she said, I won’t be posting all that much—only when it’s needed, however, I thank you all for the kind welcome to your wonderful community!
As for what to call me, Andrew, Andy…I’m not picky. I don’t remember this whole “sir” incident, but apparently I received head trauma shortly after, so my memory may be a bit hazy.
Thanks again for the warm welcome!
I was helping Gaile get everything squared away for her trip, but now that she is safely on her way to Europe, I thought I’d post and say hi. As she said, I won’t be posting all that much—only when it’s needed, however, I thank you all for the kind welcome to your wonderful community!
As for what to call me, Andrew, Andy…I’m not picky. I don’t remember this whole “sir” incident, but apparently I received head trauma shortly after, so my memory may be a bit hazy.
Thanks again for the warm welcome!
Malice Black
hope you bought a decent flameproof jacket
Originally Posted by Andrew Patrick
As she said, I won’t be posting all that much—only when it’s needed, however, I thank you all for the kind welcome to your wonderful community!
Also, I wish you luck. A brave man indeed.