Jerks at Aspenwood!!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006


I knew that this was inevitable. Just wondering why it didn't happen sooner and why now? Lately the likes of -Name Removed- and others have tainted the gaming experience by sabotaging the Fort Aspenwood mission. It just isn't fun having to run around destroying and EOE that your "ally" summoned. No fun at all. What do you guys think would be a solution to these players who might as well be leechers!!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


It has been happening for a while now. You may want to remove the names too.

Doug Clifton

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Oceanside, CA

The Shadowed Assassins [DaRk]


This thread will be closed since you used a name. You aren't allowed to use any players names without their consent



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

New York


Originally Posted by Doug Clifton
This thread will be closed since you used a name. You aren't allowed to use any players names without their consent
It is possible that name isn't taken, but I believe he was using it as an example. Give him some slack.

Jumping Is Uselss

Jumping Is Uselss

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

-... . .... .. -. -.. / -.-- --- ..-

WOW more thread rez in one day . Why reply to something 2 years ago?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ha, didn't even notice that. I guess it makes sense, he's complaining about EoE back when it triggered at any health level I believe.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by StormDragonZ
It is possible that name isn't taken, but I believe he was using it as an example. Give him some slack.
No! We still aren't giving him any slack after one and a half years!